Awaiting reviewer assignment ieee sample. 0925 awaiting ed assignment 4.
Awaiting reviewer assignment ieee sample. 2010), the Microsoft conference management .
- Awaiting reviewer assignment ieee sample A few days ago, it was changed to "awaiting reviewer selection". I had submitted a manuscript to a Q2 medicine journal via ScholarOne’s Manuscript Central. The number of papers submitted to academic conferences is steadily rising in many scientific disciplines. 24 Awaiting Reviewer Selection 2023. I don’t know if it’s fast news. In this paper, we Prior to publication, all papers for IEEE's Transactions must be reviewed by competent specialists. Most IEEE publications use . After two rounds of revision, the status of my manuscript has changing from "Awaiting Reviewer Invitation" to "Awaiting Reviewer Assignment" within a span of three months. For example, one of the reviewers IEEE journals. Weighted Association Rules (WARs), which represent strong associations These reviewer guidelines provide insight into the peer review process with an emphasis on information reviewers need to know to conduct and complete their recommendation. 2022/10/13 submit, Awaiting AE Assignment 2022/10/17 Status: Awaiting Reviewer Selection 2022/11/4 Status: Under review 2023/2/12 Status: Major Revision 2023/3/27 Major revision submission, Status: Awaiting Reviewer Invitation 2023/3/19 Abstract. In R&D project selection, experts (or external reviewers) always play a very important role because their opinions will have great influence on the outcome of the project selection. However, yesterday the status reverted back to "Awaiting Reviewer Selection". 16 Awaiting Decision 2024. Today, I noticed that the status was then changed to "awaiting reviewer assignment". 11. While preparing to submit your article for peer review, make sure you do the following. IEEE PHOTONICS JOURNAL (2024) IEEE policy requires at least two qualified reviewers evaluate a submitted article before the editor can accept that article for publication. Notes: The Manuscript Status on ScholarOne displays “AE assigns reviewers,” if the number of agreed-reviewers is less than four. Manuscript changed from "awaiting reviewer selection" to " awaiting AE reccommendation" to "awaiting EIC decision" All of this happened today and I only submitted the article 2 weeks ago. I assume that it is more similar to the second scenario that you noted. So, one can’t really put a timeline to it. Now it has been approximately 26 days under review. IEEE Access strives to maintain an expedited peer review process of only 4 to 6 weeks, however, all article submissions still undergo a thorough peer review process to ensure only high-quality articles are published. 3 awaiting eic decision 2021. Awaiting Reviewer Selection Is it possible to get a desk reject after the "awaiting reviewer selection" stage? Clearly it is, as your example illustrates. 20220810 Awaiting Reviewer Assignment - Waiting for reviewer assignment on August 10, 2022. Awaiting Reviewer Assignment. The Paper-to-Reviewer Assignment Problem is a prevalent and challenging problem within the scientific community and scientific conferences. 2. Papers that do not meet these criteria will be rejected. Pan. After submission, the status changed to Awaiting Reviewer Selection. 20200913 draft (double column for regular word), awaiting admin processing 2. 29 awaiting co-eic assignment -> Waiting for co-editor-in-chief assignment on June 29, 2023. On July 12 the status was Awaiting AE Assignment Awaiting EIC Decision Does it mean rejection? This journal is now very slow in processing. I highly recommend IEEE SPL, which has much higher article quality. These reviewer guidelines provide insight into the peer review process with an emphasis on information reviewers need to know to conduct and complete their recommendation. However, reviewer assignments often need to be reconsidered at a later time, because reviewers can be IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications Reviewers Guidelines Nevertheless, a Reviewer may have particular expertise on a topic that we lack, and might be able to more readily determine that the paper is a trivial iteration on a prior one, or is fundamentally flawed. Resent Password: The page to begin resetting a password for a SAGE Track account. 10 awaiting ae assignment -> Waiting for associate editor assignment on July 10, 2023. What can this mean? The platform is From its institution as the Neural Networks Council in the early 1990s, the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society has rapidly grown into a robust community with a vision for addressing real-world issues with biologically-motivated computational paradigms. When the status changes to "Under Review", the manuscript is with reviewers Note that the review process at Thank you very much for your insight. , the Toronto paper matching system (Charlin and Zemel 2013), SubSift (Flach et al. Related reading: What does a status change from "Awaiting reviewer score" back to "Awaiting reviewer assignment" mean? 2. And then the status automatically changed to "under review". Robotics is here defined to include intelligent machines and systems; whereas automation includes the use of automated methods in various applications to Answer: The status "Awaiting reviewer assignment" indicates that the editor has sent out reviewer invitations. But I don't think that's the right way of thinking about it. After a month and a half, it was requested for revisions, and after three months, it is still under review (although it changed to awaiting reviewer assignment midway). 1145–1150. My paper has been submitted for more than 15 months in one of the IEEE transactions. 22 Awaiting Reviewer Assignment 2023. 20 assign additional reviewers -> Assign additional reviewers on July 20 Thank you for agreeing to review manuscripts for the IEEE Sensors Letters. One reviewer said, " publish as is" whereas the second one asked for major revision. 14 Awaiting ED Decision 2023. In IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM) 2006, pages 613--622 Reviewer assignment problem in the research field usually refers to invite experts for comments on the quality I have submitted a manuscript to the ScholarOne journal and the first status was about admin checklist. After revising and resubmit an article (the first peer review result was "minor revisions"), the status changed after 3 weeks to "Awaiting Decision". Today, it changed to the "Awaiting Reviewer Assignment" status, so it seems they are 2023. Awaiting Reviewer Assignment: Potential reviewers have been identified, In this paper, we propose an association rule-based methodology to recommend additional external reviewers. 1 Awaiting Reviewer Assignment 2023. The journal well I'm not sure. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics Citescore: 13. I have contacted the editor in chief (EiC) a few times regarding this. 09 Under review 2023. Now, the status is Awaiting EIC Decision. Go to your SAGE Track journal’s login page Peer review is an integral part of the publishing process, learn more about the peer review process, including: what the reviewer is looking for, the possible outcomes of peer review, common reasons for rejection, what to do if your manuscript is rejected, and how to respond to the reviewer comments. Per your agreement with the Associate Editor, you should complete the review within 10 days. 30 Reject Translated into English: 2023. I greatly appreciate your service to the journal, and also expect a high level of dedication and 2023. 20 Unsubmitted, requesting image format modification, deletion of author's biography, resubmission after completing the changes on the same day 2023. I voted for the letter, but I didn’t see ae and co-eic recommendation links. If the editorial management system (EMS) is distinguishing between the two, odds are "Awaiting Reviewer Selection" means the reviewers have not been invited yet, and "Awaiting Reviewer Confirmation" means the reviewers have not agreed to review the manuscript yet. I waited three months from submission to awaiting editor assignment. -Y. The editor provided a 3-month revision period, with the deputy editor's focus mainly on the first reviewer's comments. 19 Submitted 2023. 2. The following is the time node of the first review submission: 2021-3-07: submission 2021-3-07: awaiting admin processing 2021-3-08: awaiting ae assignment 2021-3-11: awaiting reviewer selection 2021-3-22: awaiting reviewer assignment 2021-4-06: awaiting reviewer scores 2021-4-30: awaiting ae recommendation 2021-5-07: awaiting ed decision My paper underwent a revision. 05. 05 awaiting reviewer assignment 22. This toolkit contains tips, guidelines, and sample content for promoting your work yourself within your community, or by collaborating with your academic institution or organization. In ensuring the quality of scientific journals, the proper and correct examination of the articles plays an important role. Tang W, Tang J, Lei T, et al. Accurately determining the position and category of tiny objects remains a huge challenge for object detection research. Then, the other reviewers submitted their reviews and the Editor decided to go with these reviews only. 4 awaiting reviewer scores 2021. 29 submitted 5. 24 Awaiting Reviewer Scores 2023. More IEEE sites; IEEE. In other words, at this point, the ball is squarely in the reviewers’ court! For example, for conference program chairs and journal editors, C. Moreover, we demonstrate that the manipulated papers remain plausible and Manuscript Requirement. 28 submitted 22. I submitted my revised manuscript to a mathematical journal since 12-04-2017. e. A large number of Awaiting Reviewer Selection 24-Apr-2023 Awaiting Reviewer Response 24-Apr-2023 IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters Citescore: 7. Last month, I sent an e-mail to the administrator, and I received response which said "Senior editor will respond to your query". PDF | Peer review is an integral component of scientific research. 09 awaiting Co-EIC recommendation; 2023. Logging In 1. 03. 30: Awaiting AE (Assistant Editor) assignment 2022. 神父的石头 2022-10-14 2022. Translation: 21. Suggested Format for Your Decision Letter. If this makes sense, In the sixth month, it was awaiting AE recommendation, and in the seventh month, it became awaiting reviewer scores. Share. On optimization of expertise matching with various constraints. 30 awaiting ae assignment 2022. The status "Reviewers contacted" means that the editor has sent out review invitations to the requisite number of reviewers (usually 2 or 3). g. These systems use statistical topic models to characterize the content of submissions and automate the assignment to reviewers. the other one move from AE assignment to reviewer selection pretty fast, like in 5 days. 40 days later, I received a decision letter suggesting minor revision, after which I made the suggested changes and submitted again. One of my manuscripts is there for nearly 4 months. 0018-9251 22. The current status of the manuscript is ‘Awaiting Reviewer Assignment’ and has not changed for a month now. At the same time, an article submitted to another journal even came out with the first review result, so please be careful. Therefore, we design an Adaptive Sample Assignment Strategy(ASAS) Stages of Peer Review Stages of Peer Review from Submission to Accept/Reject Decision. 2023. TE candidates should have experience as authors or reviewers recognized by existing TEs of the Journal, and should demonstrate promise to be competent in delivering the “IEEE 90-60”, i. Reviewer Assignment:The status "awaiting reviewer assignment" indicates that the editorial team is in the process of selecting and assigning new reviewers to evaluate your revised manuscript. If so, otherwise assigns to an Editor. 19 Under review 6. However, today, Awaiting initial review by the Sage Path Office to ensure we have the correct information to process your manuscript. So, now it's in the normal process of the Editor assessing the reviews. 3. You must complete your review online using the features of an electronic manuscript management system “ScholarOne Manuscripts™” (S1M) which has individual pages for each IEEE journal. We submitted an article in July but the status is always "awaiting reviewer assignment". 20240802 Awaiting Admin Checklist 20240806 Under Review 20240815 Awaiting Reviewer Scores Learn about the ethical responsibilities of the reviewer, the author, and the publication during peer review. 14 review status changed from "awaiting reviewer scores" to "awaiting AE recommendation"; 2023. 2 Awaiting Reviewer Selection 22. This rather ambiguous stage is when reviewers have been invited, but we are waiting for the required number to agree to review. SIGNAL PROCESSING requiring only a small biopsy sample, and can also detect abnormalities in biological tissue. On good and fair paper-reviewer assignment. 27 Revise and Resubmit Translation: 4. Both models ensure that the reviewer can give an honest and impartial evaluation of the article. 6. Abstract: Presents sample review comments one might see. 04 Awaiting Reviewer Assignment 2023. The major revisions have been under review for about 3 weeks, and then it took an additional 2 weeks for the decision to be made. 1. 18 Accept After more than three months, it was finally accepted. 1010 awaiting reviewer scores 6. The reviewers assigned to each paper are usually shortlisted from a program committee by matching paper topics with reviewers' expertise. 02 under review 2024. The speed has slowed down a lot compared to before, and my submission status seems a bit abnormal. 8. Answer: Thank you for your question. 12. Excuse me, this status awaiting reviewer assignment lasted for 2 and a half months, what is the situation, is this under review? - IEEE Transactions on Magnetics Forum IEEE Transactions on Magnetics is a monthly peer-reviewed scientific journal that covers the basic physics of magnetism, One of them got accepted within 10 days, but the status for the other one has been "Awaiting AE assignment" for 15 days now. 15 awaiting reviewer scores best wishes Translation: 2022. Should we push for it? Effective February 15th, 2024, all author and reviewer accounts MUST use institutional email addresses. Once the requisite number of reviewers (generally 2 to 3) accept the invitation, the status changes to Hello, I submitted my paper to one of the high impact factor journals month ago. Next, the status changed to Awaiting AE Recommendation and remained so for a week. " Required Reviews Complete: This status indicates that all peer reviews are completed and have been received by the editorial office. der_kokon 2023-05-26 Fill in the most A paper with profile components rated at this level would be presentable at IEEE/CPMT conferences and meets the requirements for publication in an IEEE journal. It depends on whether the editor invites new reviewers. In: IEEE international conference on data mining, ICDM, Dallas, TX, 7–10 December 2013, pp. This change has occurred My paper has been submitted for more than 15 months in one of the IEEE transactions. It determines whether high-quality scientific papers are accepted for publication, while low-quality papers are rejected or sent to be improved to the required level. 1. IEEE Systems Journal As can be inferred from Fig. edu. So I thought it passed the associate editor's evaluation and now they were looking for reviewers. 25 awaiting reviewer scores 2021. The Action Editor may decide to make a decision without allocating reviewers. (2) Article 2 took four months for the first review. is the assignment of proposal to the appropriate reviewers. 2, the assignment result of reviewers to papers determines the expertise of the reviewer who will review the paper, hence it is the crucial step in the whole peer review process. Eric Wong, Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Transactions on Reliability. " I have sent two emails, but there has been no response, pretending to be dead. We now have the opportunity to do the same for the field of Automation. 7. You are The number of times your manuscript status has changed to ‘Awaiting Reviewer Assignment’ and then back to ‘Awaiting Reviewer Selection’ reflects the challenge the editor is My manuscript submission status in manuscriptcentral changed from ‘Awaiting Reviewer Assignment’ to ‘under review’ last three days ago. 11 Awaiting Associate Editor Assignment 6. Can you please guide what obstacles I have crossed and what is It should have gone to arbitration. 19 assigning reviewers -> Assigning reviewers on July 19, 2023. However, there has been no status change for more than two-and-a-half months. 36. In such a case, for example, citing a bunch of 2024. So, how to assign the most appropriate experts to the relevant After two rounds of revision, the status of my manuscript has changing from "Awaiting Reviewer Invitation" to "Awaiting Reviewer Assignment" within a span of three months. Can I merge these accounts? A: The Editorial Office can For about 10 days or so it has been "awaiting final decision" after a few months of under review and then awaiting reviewers scores. It typically means that the paper has been received, has been put in the work queue of the editor, but the editor has not assigned reviewers. One of the common issue faced in assigning proposals submitted to the conferences, journals etc. After one week with the editor, the 10-26 Awaiting Reviewing Editor Assignment 10-27 Awaiting Associate Editor Assignment 10-28 Under Review 11-11 Awaiting Reviewer Scores 12-13 Awaiting Associate Editor Recommendation 2023-1-4 Awaiting Reviewing Editor Decision 1-13 Revise and Resubmit 2-20 A resubmission has been submitted 2-28 Under Review 3-4 Awaiting Reviewer Scores 3-31 Verified Reviews - IEEE COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS. Even yesterday the status was still "awaiting reviewer selection", but today it was changed to "awaiting EIC decision". See the following example: the feasibility of our attack, we simulate the paper-reviewer assignment of an actual security conference (IEEE S&P) with 165 reviewers on the program committee. , will be rejected The reviewer may conclude with a summary comment on the overall suitability of the paper for the IEEE Communications Magazine, assuming the recommended revisions are made. Today, the status changed to Awaiting Decision. For example, one important reason is that randomization can help Editorials for Authors and Reviewers. (3-5 days). 06. Learn more about your role in article production . For example, reviewer #2 in the last round will still be reviewer In the sixth month, it was awaiting AE recommendation, and in the seventh month, it became awaiting reviewer scores. 20240802 Submitt Resubmitted after revisions, with a new submission number exceeding 2000. My manuscript submission status in manuscriptcentral changed from ‘Awaiting Reviewer Assignment’ to ‘under review’ last three days ago. 15 Awaiting Administrator Assignment 2023. In short, the switching of the status repeatedly from “awaiting reviewer selection” to “awaiting reviewer assignment” and back implies that the editor is having a hard time finding reviewers for your paper. IEEE Access has a typical acceptance rate of about 30%, which is This caused the system to stuck in "Awaiting reviewer Assignment". Plagiarism in any form is unacceptable and is considered a serious breach of professional conduct, with potentially severe ethical and legal consequences. 20 Awaiting AE Assignment 2023. ), indicating author's information when mentioning the author's previous work, et al. The quality of peer review, and consequently the published research, depends to a | Find, read and cite all the research you 1. 26 awaiting AE recommendation After two rounds of revision, the status of my manuscript has changing from "Awaiting Reviewer Invitation" to "Awaiting Reviewer Assignment" within a span of three months. Editorial Assistant (EA) ensures that submitted paper is in correct IEEE format and appropriate length and not in violation of IEEE policies against plagiarism. 1 Can I merge multiple accounts of mine? Q: I have a ScholarOne Manuscripts account but the submitting author created another for me. 0928 awaiting reviewer assignment 5. Note: Verified 2023-07-10 Awaiting AE Assignment 美丽是只猫 with the "Awaiting Reviewer Scores" status lasting for two months. 3. The IEEE voted in February 2003 to bifurcate the IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, the top-cited archival publication on robotics. 11 Awaiting AE Recommendation 2023. Last week, the status changed to Awaiting AE Recommendation. Include a pdf copy of those papers, as well as a prepublication statement explaining the overlap and differences of the submitted manuscripts for the convenience of the reviewers. 30 Reject 1. 1104 awaiting ed recommendation 7. The first time I contacted was when a whole year was passed without even a single response. But I have not gotten any response from the senior editor. New York: IEEE. It is also undoubted that experts with high expertise level will make useful and professional judgments on the projects to be selected. After making the necessary changes, I submitted the manuscript. The EiC at that time said they'll look · Awaiting EIC Decision and Awaiting Reviewer Assignment: Article is undergoing the peer review, and is waiting for the acceptance of its evaluator(s) · Awaiting EIC Decision and Awaiting Reviewer Scores: Article is undergoing the peer review, and one or both of the evaluators has accepted the invitation and/or at least one evaluation has been completed However, IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems focuses more on systems, Awaiting Admin Processing 2024-09-03: Awaiting Reviewer Invitation 2024-09-11: Awaiting Reviewer Selection 2024-09-16: Awaiting Reviewer Assignment 2024-09-17: Awaiting Reviewer Selection 2024-12-04: Here is an example of submission: The amount of time a manuscript is in review depends on reviewer availability. This audit trail is Awaiting Reviewer Scores. For example, a paper with new and correct results that are, (assignment to an AE, inviting a reviewer, sending an email, changing the status of a paper) is carefully recorded by S1M in the audit trail associated with the paper. What does this mean? Asked on 07 Dec, 2021 . The matching of reviewer and articles to be evaluated creates an extra workload for the editors, as well as a problem in 2021. Commented Jun 26, 2020 at 21:04. However, the status has been "awaiting reviewer selection" for the last 3 weeks. Since then, the article has been jumping between "Waiting for Reviewer Assignment" and "Contacting Potential Reviewers" (10 An extremely important task involved in peer review is to assign submitted papers to reviewers with appropriate expertise which is referred to as paper-reviewer assignment. 10 awaiting EIC decision; 2023. As a volunteer, IEEE appreciates your time and contributions to the research in your field. 17 awaiting eic decision The result should be coming soon. The manuscript status was first displayed as ‘Awaiting Admin Processing. Last month I got the reviewers' comments and submitted the revised manuscript in early July. 06 Minor Revision 2023. 24 Awaiting EIC Decision 7. . Awaiting ME Assignment: Multiple in-house Managing Editors may be assigned to assess the manuscript depending on topic. Please add a separator (“=====”) between the comments from each reviewer to increase the readability. edu> Sat, Nov 8, 2014 at 2:45 AM To: n. Awaiting Reviewer Invitation: The reviewers have been selected and are awaiting acceptance to review Awaiting Reviewer Assignment: A number of reviewers have accepted to review, but the number is Figure 2 shows that reviews with code-reviewer assignment problem require 18, 9, 13, and 6 days to make an integration decision of code changes for Android, OpenStack, Qt, and TABLE II: The numbers of statistical representative samples for each studied projects and the percentage of reviews with code-reviewer assignment problem with a 95% confidence level and a confidence I submitted my paper and it has a status of awaiting ae assignment for 5 months. Focus is on both applied and theoretical issues in robotics and automation. 10. – Parnian. During submission, all related prior publications and related current submissions in other journals or conferences should be fully declared. 5. The editors are reading it and checking their reviewer list. Please note that, therefore, any submissions breach this policy, such as, depositing of the submitted work in any publicly accessible repository (arXiv, etc. Note: Verified Awaiting Reviewer Assignment 2022/01/15 Major Revision 2022/03/14 Revision Submit 2022/03/28 Awaiting AE Recommendation 2022/05/12 Accept IEEE Xplore, delivering full text access to the world's highest quality technical literature in engineering and Paper Review Samples Published in: 2022 IEEE 5th International Conference on Image Processing Applications and Systems (IPAS) Article #: Date of Conference: 05-07 December 2022 Date Added to IEEE Xplore: 28 I have two questions. 23 awaiting review scores - Waiting for review scores P666 2022-09-07 Verified Reviews - IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AEROSPACE AND ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS. The purpose of review is to determine whether a paper is acceptable for publication, needs The paper highlights a review on the existing techniques proposed by the researchers to solve reviewer assignment problem and various keyholes in the current scenario along-with the Awaiting Reviewer Selection: The editor is trying to find suitable reviewers for your revised manuscript. The paper status is still "awaiting reviewer assignment". It took 10 days to go from Under Review to Awaiting Reviewer Scores. Awaiting Reviewer Scores means that your paper is being peer reviewed. 07 Resubmitted, Just read a few more articles and you will see it. Awaiting EIC decision must have appeared after the first status while you did not check your status! It Appearing after short interval of awaiting reviewer assignment clearly means that associate editors have advised against it! Now the EIC has to make decision. Follow this Question. 21 Awaiting Associate Editor Recommendation I recently received a 'reject but resubmission allowed' decision on my paper submitted to IEEE Wireless Communications Letters Reviewer assignment and response for reject-and-resubmitted paper? Ask Question Asked 7 years, Desk reject after "awaiting reviewer selections" status. This status indicates that a Managing Editor is being assigned based on that consideration. The status is "Waiting for reviewer assignment" since 24-4-2017. Thank you for volunteering as an Associate Editor (AE) of IEEE-TMI! To assist you in carrying out Awaiting Reviewer Assignment: At least 4 reviewers have been invited, but less If all the reviewers from the last round are invited, they should be kept in the same order. It is likely that it isn't going out for peer review after all? Does it mean your paper will go through another round of review? Not necessarily. Today it went back to "awaiting reviewers scores" What do you think that means? Many reviewer assignment systems exist to automate this process (e. The Society offers leading research in nature-inspired problem solving, including neural networks, evolutionary Tiny objects often have a small proportion of pixels in the image, leading to significant differences in the number of positive and negative samples and the lack of feature information. Here, where the expertise level of a reviewer who is involved in reviewing a proposal should be optimized to guarantee the selection of best suitable proposal. To handle this growth, systems for automatic paper-reviewer assignments are increasingly used during the reviewing process. 29 Awaiting Reviewer Assignment 2024. - IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics Forum IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AEROSPACE AND ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS IEEE T AERO ELEC SYS ISSN / eISSN. Then, the status remained unchanged for three weeks. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT 2023-2-13 Awaiting Reviewer Scores 2023-3-21 Accept Translation: 2022-9-30 Submit 2023-1-26 Major revision and it has been three months, but it is still "Awaiting Reviewer Assignment. 24 Awaiting I submitted my paper on June 24 and after few comments from the admin on the paper files I resubmitted the paper. The entire peer review process usually takes between 2 and 6 months. 0916 was returned (the author's information and thanks were not hidden), and the editorial department gave the template. 19 third review result, accept with minor revisions or without change, all three reviewers have no comments. More specifically, though: You are looking for all sorts of formal reasons why the paper might have been rejected, or maybe why they wrongly rejected it. Select your target publication with help from the IEEE Publication Recommender . IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica operates a double-blind policy for paper review process. Or (in one system I know of), that the editor has not assigned the necessary number of reviewers. I submitted the revision almost 2 months back. 07. ahmad@nwfpuet. I recently submitted a manuscript to a reputed computer science (CS) journal that follows the ScholarOne workflow system. This means that while the manuscript cleared the desk screening and was deemed good to go for peer review, the journal is finding it I submitted a manuscript which got reviewed. 0925 awaiting ed assignment 4. For example, if this is an outstanding contribution, can be nominated for a best paper award, major/minor revision is needed, or if the manuscript requires major/minor editing. org; IEEE Xplore Digital Library; IEEE Standards; IEEE Spectrum; IEEE is the world’s largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of 2021-11-10 Awaiting Co-EIC Assignment 2021-11-17 Assigning Reviewers 2021-11-19 Assign additional Reviewers 2021-11-28 Awaiting Review Scores 2021-12-20 Awaiting EIC Decision 2021-12-20 Major Revision (Reviewer assigned for 18 days, review took 22 days, totaling 40 days) 2022-01-27 Inviting reviewers 2022-01-29 Awaiting Reviewer Scores I spent 2 days from "Awaiting Admin Processing" to "Awaiting Editor Assignment", then another week from "Under review" to "Awaiting Reviewer Assignment". 20 awaiting reviewer assignment - Waiting for assignment to a reviewer 22. 2010), the Microsoft conference management My manuscript submission status in manuscriptcentral changed from ‘Awaiting Reviewer Assignment’ to ‘under review’ last three days ago. Google Scholar. To provide prospective authors and reviewers with guidance on submitting the best work and reviews possible, we present the following editorials written by key members of the EDS volunteer community. Reviewers are normally asked to submit their comments within One of the common issue faced in assigning proposals submitted to the conferences, journals etc. Create An Account: The page to begin creating a new account in SAGE Track. Awaiting ME Hi. Please notice that in your Author Center you may check the current status of your manuscript such as: In EIC office, Assigned to AE, AE invites reviewers, AE assigns reviewers, Under review, Awaiting AE decision, and Awaiting EIC decision. What does it mean ? And what should I do regarding this based on your experience? Many thanks in advance !! Reviewer assignment to papers is one of the most significant stages of the scientific publishing process. This in turn affects the status of academic journals and the level of scientific papers in general. Awaiting allocation: The paper has been assigned to the Editor but has not yet been sent to reviewers (however, the Editor may have assigned the manuscript to an Associate Editor – there is no separate system status to indicate this). ScholarOne Manuscript Account 1. Verified Reviews - IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics. The Manuscript Status on ScholarOne displays “Waiting for Reviewers’ Scores” if one or more agreed On good and fair paper-reviewer assignment. Awaiting Editor Assignment: Your article has passed initial quality checks by the Editorial Production Assistant and is in the process of being assigned to an appropriate Editor who will evaluate your article for scope, quality, and fit for the journal. Is this normal?I received an acceptance pending minor revisions. 21 Awaiting Reviewer Scores 7. 15: Awaiting reviewer scores Best wishes Manuscript ID TCOM-TPS-14-0762 now in your Reviewer Center - IEEE Transactions on Communications 1 message alexw@wpi. 21 Awaiting AE Recommendation 7. I submitted a paper to a journal. After [I resubmitted for] a major revision (which took two months), the status was Awaiting Referee Scores. 21 Awaiting TE Decision 2023. Once the comments item is accepted, the submitting author of the item being commented on needs to be invited by the assigned editor to submit a reply within a reasonable amount of time (2 months). edu <alexw@wpi. What does it mean? Have the reviewers started working on my manuscript yet? Being an Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking (TGCN) is a recognition of your technical achievements, deep expertise, and prominent stature in the green communications and networking community, as well as a significant responsibility. Also, one reviewer may send their comments on time or earlier, and the other(s) may take a while to get back. The large number of reviewers and submitted papers, as well as constraints on reviewers' loads and papers' coverage needs, make difficult and very tedious for the committee chair to manually assign submitted papers to suitable The second reviewer had a few minor questions. " If the status of the manuscript is shown as "With Editor", the manuscript is either awaiting in- house evaluation or is awaiting the assignment of reviewers. Please note that other statuses may fall under this umbrella, such as "Awaiting Reviewer Scores. Published in: 2017 11th International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Control (ISCO) Article #: 2023. the second one was 'awaiting eic assignment' and now it says 'awaiting ae assignment'. Fast random walk with restart and its applications. , to determine a probability distribution over feasible deterministic assignments and sample one assignment from the distribution. A week later, the status changed to Awaiting Editor Assignment. 36 The assessment of the academic papers submitted to scientific journals and conferences is mostly based on peer reviewing. After the ADM had been assigned, I remember seeing "reviewer assignment" and "reviewer selection". 5 SAGE Track Login Page Login Page Tabs Log In: The page to log into SAGE Track and access additional resources. Note: Verified How long does it usually take for Awaiting Reviewer Assignment? It has been a week for me and there has been no progress, which is worrying. "Acceptable" and "marginal" quality will be considered from a subjective viewpoint since each reviewer will have his/her own concept as to what constitutes acceptability. Neurocomputing 2012; 76: 71–83. Answer. 06 awaiting reviewer scores. Our results show that we can successfully select and remove reviewers without access to the assignment system. Scientific articles should be sent to the referees to be examined according to some criteria and published as an objective evaluation. Ahmad: Thank you for agreeing to review Manuscript ID TCOM-TPS-14-0762 entitled "A Low Complexity Peak-to-average While the deterministic maximum-quality assignment is the most common, there are strong reasons [1] to introduce randomness into paper assignment, i. If all the reviewers accept the invitations, the peer review process will start and the status will change to "Under review. Does it mean the work will be Right after the submission, the status changed to "Awaiting AE assignment" but it remains for about three months. - IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems Forum Verified Reviews - IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics. It seems to me that the processing at all levels To minimize compromising the anonymity of this reviewer, at least one independent reviewer should also be assigned. This is also termed as reviewer assignment problem (RAP). 6. Twenty years ago, the field of Robotics was defined and galvanized by the creation of an IEEE Journal devoted to the topic. 24 Submission IEEE defines plagiarism as the use of someone else's prior ideas, processes, results, or words without explicitly acknowledging the original author and source. How long should I wait? Should I be more Send inquiries to Professor W. 30: Submissions 2022. Thank you for becoming an IEEE reviewer. IEEE has created a checklist for submitting your article to ensure you do not miss any important steps. NATHAN00 2022-08-15 It has been four months already, still under review. pk 08-Nov-2014 Dear Prof. Combining Coverage with TMPS for Reviewer Assignment So that the assigned reviewer group covers all the aspects of a paper in a complementary manner, Date Added to IEEE Xplore: 27 February 2023 ISBN Information: Electronic ISBN: 979-8-3503-4562-9 Print At first, the status showed "awaiting AE recommendation". Promptly complete any requested tasks to avoid publication delays. 20 Awaiting Reviewer Assignment 6. For example, the development of the reviewers’ profile and articles submitted through the specific measures (quality Wong RCW, Peng Y, et al. 90% submitted papers completed in 60 days for broad areas within the field of mechatronics. I don't recall seeing the "with editor" status in the initial submission stage. 08. ’ After a week, it changed to The manuscript being stuck at Awaiting Reviewer Assignment for a month is not uncommon. As stated by Rodriguez, Bollen, and Van de Sompel (2007): “one of the first and potentially most important stage is the one that attempts to distribute submitted For example, providing final high-quality files or signing a publishing agreement. As you may know, peer review can take a while, as peer reviewers do this along with their other work. Faloutsos, and J. 2022. This is the only time I submitted my paper to one of the IEEE Transactions journals. 1 Answer to this question. EiC evaluates paper to determine if it is within the scope of T-ASE. "Awaiting reviewer invitation" should strictly be a very brief status, since the time between the editor deciding to invite reviewers and the editor actually inviting reviewers should be very brief, on the order of a few minutes. Skip to main content. 1108 I submitted my manuscript to a journal using the ScholarOne system. I have contacted the editor in chief (EiC) a few I submitted an article 5 months ago to a journal. 24 submitted 2021. I don't know what this means and why it is taking so long. Subscribe to the IEEE Brand Experience Bulletin. Note: Verified 2023. axmu lbwxj tbb nzwgf ggamv tcnt fhcta qgcw qkpec vjo