All dimensions wiki There are far to many lines to count and the whole thing is a mess, but to explain it somewhat simply The first line is a green line. Its closest Universe is UNI This is Only the Beginning- Life Deus Naturae Deus Vita Or "Life" is the supreme originator of all life of everything below the World of META, it is before even the Lord of Time, because it is literally Life Itself Lore: When The Lord of Lords was creating the True Allsphere, he created Before anything, this article isnt really my idea. Life in the basement reality originated from within hypoverses and transcended upwards. It grows very slowly in size, however, its growth is still faster than light speed, due to the potential of dark energy. That can lead to complications. The civilization that lives here are called the Tremendousians. It is so huge that even if you were traveling infinitely fast towards Never's borders, you would still never reach it even after an infinite number of years (this has actually been like this since around class 2 structures!). It cannot be traversed in space vessels. It is loop-shaped and unites the laws of the large and the laws of the small. The containment fluids can link two objects' containment together, and when different types are combined, an object can be contained by multiple objects at the same time. The only things more basic are • (a particle so indescribably basic that it has absolutely no properties), ⬤ (a particle that only contains one mysterious property), and r a b {\\displaystyle Warning: This could contains damaged kills content The Helper of all goodness is an entity that travels through spacetime and the multiverse to save all trollfaces from the evil of the 7 absolute evil kings, they are so powerful that they turn any trollface they see into a Corrupted creature or one of their own or a very terrifying creature. 𒈙 is composed of Sūūko and various large verses. Its Cabinets are all mind-bogglingly different from one-another that uniting them has only been achieved by one, extremely single-species centered empire. If any Tremendous-1500 is one of the biggest Universes known to exist. It was never even questioned until what exactly an object having no property actually meant. Due to the recursive nature of barrel containment, multiple Barrelplexes form a The Barrelplock. The photo shown in The Outside is a space of nothingness right outside of the Omniverse. They have taken much of the Omniverse before, but have been wiped out a long time ago. However, infinity is closed in this space and because of this it is impossible to leave this place and get a speed greater The line hierarchy is an odd system. These A dimension is a linear factor multiplied with an existing space to increase its scalability. While there are many sightless crevasses in the deep sea, this one is a unique geological marvel. There are 5 known types (usually called Classes) of Axions: Class 0 Axions, Class 1 Axions, Class 2 Axions The All void is also known as the omni-void. Learn about the laws of cosmology, the cosmological All Dimensions Remastered 2 Wiki (see Nevermind that this is the true end to see why I made this wiki) Other wikis I made Kardashev Scale Wiki - Types of civilizations with Talking Toms are huge creatures and they are the only entities that inhabit The true host (except tallergrass). View Mobile Site Follow on IG This is the hierarchy that comes after the Official and Extended Hierarchies. Together with its Unicosm, they are part of an alliance called LUA. Rendians are beings made of physical binary data or “binarium”, nobody knows what caused them to start existing, including the creators, rendians mainly take the form of stickmen but can take the form of spheres and blobs, rendians have the ability to absorb files and gain abilities, they also have a The Meta-Hierarchy (TMH) is an unofficial hierarchy ranking the objects equal to or greater than the Wikiverse in size. In the picture to the right, one can see scarcely and visually pleasing case, Universe groups are clusters of hundreds of universes which are around 100Mly - 1 Gly apart. Infinityverse always contain substances in a chaotic arrangement, but at lower-end Archverses, those substances are arranged in a orderly way. g The Official Hierarchy has hierarchy Blueprint Particles are the nigh-ultimate building blocks of an Archreality, at an indescribable Composition Tier. Protons are almost always found within atoms, and they have a positive charge. We can say that this is the limit of space, but infinity is not a limit. A wiki for creating and exploring fictional and recreational cosmology, cosmic entities, phenomena and anything beyond our Universe. All dimensions Wiki is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. " - fish (2023) Ext. As a result, The Exaverse is a collection of multiple Petaverse. It is also the first Universe discovered by Humans that is beyond Our Universe and the second one being explored. Nothing exceeds this entity as it is final. Relevant communities would gain more attention The Quettaverse (formerly known as the Wekaverse), is a cluster of Ronnaverses. Protoverses are infinitely small verses, which are the beginning of every single Verse in our local Omniverse. " A Vendekaverse is a cluster of Quettaverses. lower level Verses, particles). The Whisper of the Flowers. To this end, I present The most 'Nuts Eternal Abyss is a abyss that is almost size of -Flaws in the World-. This verse allows for fractal strings and overlapping strings, forming some strange things. It moves the equivalent of its own size in 1/ωth of a voidsecond. Our Metaverse is the Metaverse in which the Multiverse we live in is located, and by extension, is the Metaverse we live in. Like The Tesseract and The Cubinder, most of the verse is just void and a barrier but the most interesting part is the part shaped like a duocylinder. The pages in this are typically more unorganized and repetitive than in classes 1- 6, but they are a reminiscence to earlier versions of The Official Hierarchy. It is ruled by the all-powerful Peter Griffin. The civilization has tried to expand the universe, but to no avail. It is contained by a line that is only 1 hexadecimal character different from the green line. These Megaverses are the fourth unofficial layer of Archverses, following Universes, Multiverses and Kiloverses. These spikes have their own gravity, but the sphere doesn't. Sometimes travel between them is possible. Most Universes in our Multiverse have astronomical structures just like our Universe, that being: galaxies, stars, planets, etc. Bloody Eyes have extreme heat, resulting in them having lacking no entities outside of the local Other Worlds in them. Due to the immense size of the objects in The Meta-Hierarchy, we need a new system of measuring objects, the Meta-Class[1]. Power. This verse is big because everything it touches from the exterior is consumed, from an atom to the entire universe. Antieighteenth everything layer []. 01 ly per second (usually). They are also the biggest particle of which quantum affects apply. Celestial interweavings. It has The Hazelnut is a type of cosmic structure proposed by Razije (EN: /'ʒats. It also sometimes contains Transcendent Omni-Gods. Like Molecules, they can enter various states of matter, with each hotter one leading to a more chaotic outcome. regular Particles in the All void can only exist for a voidsecond. There is no Red Ring. damage bonus decreases over time and is fully lost on hit, holder's attacks periodically summon life-draining hearts The Boxial Void is the birthplace of Boxes, and also where all the per-layer Boxial Cores can be found. Existence Ranks can also be described as the number of chaos particles and order particles exclusively contained by an object's Omnipockets This is a list of lengths in metric system from the smallest to the largest. Not to be confused with Local Universal group (another version which is not canon). It's a type of void called an omega void. For a list of the numbers used: The Extended Post Hecc is a type of verse with dimensions even smaller than those of a Heck. There were 2 barrels, however, there were Nvgngyu is an extremely strange and unknown object located in an uninhabited dimension, possibly quantum-transported from another Realm. The potential glitchiness here now goes beyond strings. It also contains some verses, which are The Point of No Return and Megametaverse. Universe groups can created by large amounts of universes moving toward a certain region, or by lots of universes being birthed in a certain place. He is the prince of his realm and is very young for his kind, and so he is very imaginative, even for a person his age he has so much within his mind that he's created. They construct existence states, energy, matter, light, sound, mind, and more. The areas of Nvgngyu are unexplored, and its properties remain mostly a mystery. Formation []. I just wanted to add it to AD wiki, but its a lot shorter than the OG one. Due to direct access to each Boxial layer, direct access to the Boxial Void can serve as a travel hub. The Dêaśaverse is mostly made out of hydrogen and helium, a lot like a sun. The Structure of The Existence []. C. wit/ Raztlë ['je. The Ronnaverse is quite unstable. Creation. It is made of Cubinders, and slowly rotates in four dimensions. This being has power, he runs very fast but not fast enough to reach the Ported from Extended Divergent Archverses "This verse is effectively the embodiment of chaos. The All void is sometimes considered its separate plane of existence and non-existence. All dimensions Wiki Carykh later released a video titled The Scale Past the Universe, causing Aarex to found the All Dimensions wiki in early 2012 out of inspiration. The rock fell together to make this verse. Believe it or not, energy Lasers are needed. So by proposing a Second Box, the Second Box would become the de-facto The Box. If you were the size of a dentist, this would be as small as an atom. We don't know what shape and surface exactly it is, if its an circle, an square, etc. What if all your world was just part of another one, of another one, of another one, of another one, and etc. Antiseventeenth everything layer The Hyper-Space, more commonly known as the "mainland" of The Box, is an non-euclidean space that composes the majority of The Box. 25 increased final damage. The Wikiverses can also have their smaller versions, Fake Wikiverses. Even tough there are bigger things, they arent nowhere as powerful as the I. Omniscience. The life time of any virtual Archverse is 16. In our Wikiverse, it also exists in the form of an enormous verse, that has infinite size and dimensionality. LEGEND: (?) (space after name) = Have a questionable place in the hierarchy, and might be moved soon. However there are some theories: Big John might have been created by random chance out of An atom is a particle that makes up most of Universes alongside Dark Matter, relative to the Multiverse of which humans live in. Verseunis are also the biggest Negaverses, and typically have "inverse" characteristics of the Universe they are found in. Massive Page ; We are to inform you, Bitverse is over 100kB!!!. All Megaverses within a Gigaverse have less connections and are further away than Multiverses in a Megaverse and Universes in a Multiverse, which is why -verses leveled inbetween the Gigaverse and Omniverse start to lose any signifcant meaning. There is also a special pseudo-class at the end of the hierarchy known as the Finality Chain. This will The Novachain is the endless recursive chain of realities that include our Unireality. A Gigaverse is a huge "complex" of various Megaverses. 2025verse is extending Yearverse chain (2024verse is first). Transcendance. The Transfinity is a concept that representing a realm beyond Infinity, surpassing an amount of infinite infinities named infinitial ball or infinitiverse, dealing with the most abstract levels of existence or mathematical infinity. The Darkness has a very long history, with the earliest evidence of them dating all the way back to -10900 OYC. It is above everything. It looks like an sphere with a pupile, resulting in the aforementioned eye-like design. Credits to Someone who owns a fish for originally creating the page. Gigaverses are pretty much the last level of unofficial Archverses The Yottaverse is a cluster of Zettaverses. Contents 1 Self-Containment The Omni-Web is a type of structure that composes most of the Omniverse. However, the line used to expand the dimensionality of a space needs to be strictly defined to avoid the Banach–Tarski paradox. They usually rule over their own imaginations, in which their imaginations are so vast that the imagination of our local Alphasm is marked as the 1st Everything Layer. Whether a new Archreality is created, it will be always contained, which means almost all Archrealities, whether when they were created, were contained by it. ka 'ʒaj. This is why giant civilizations create artificial universes to simulate how hard life might be in a Tiny-450 sized universe. Sūūko holds the verses in "a small, small thing. The Boxial Void has an transfinite Existence Rank, resulting in a large presence of Order and Chaos, with Order taking priority at a macroscale and Chaos at a microscale. Instead, this verse is composed of two kinds of 'infinities' that are beyond all cardinals and ordinals. Never is the void encompassing The Building. Although it is one-dimensional, it affects other dimensions. "insert meme" - fish (2023) Bitverse. It is slowly losing it's grasp on reality and fading, soon (on a Box-level time scale) to vanish forever. Actually, we don't. The other kind of nucleon, called a neutron, are usually found near them as well. It isn't Not to be confused with the Final Box in the Extended Hierarchy. The Milky Way, a spiral galaxy, has Alphasm, also known as TAC or the Absolute Creator is a category of beings (which are a subspecies of Motherfricc'ers) that are known to have much more power than normal Motherfricc'ers. The spikes help the Dêaśaverse stay stable. It is hard to breath and see in Eternal Abyss, so items like Eternal Abyssal Suit is recommended. Star Sub-Nonexistence Absolute Nonexistence Absolute Who is waltuh? [] We don't. Nothingest- The smallest non particle and object in -2 class . There is absolutely nothing inside Never except for The Building and small pockets of dark matter and Glitchonicite that Earth is the 3rd planet from the Sun, as well as the largest rocky planet in the Solar System. r̝ka 'r̝ɑ. This verse has a very fast movement speed. It even has a Unicosm, namely UNC-1. It's contained within The biggest megaverse, the biggest multiverse. I'm very new to this wiki so if I have wrong then you can fix it :D. However, despite this, it is still infrequent that you will manage to escape the Box by teleporting into external users are allowed to make fanmade rendians and put them here. See more Learn about the Multiverse, a set of many unique Universes under a given series of laws, and how it relates to science and fiction. It cannot be ripped apart. ∞ ( 0 , The Extraverse is a bunch of Gigaverses that share logic and structures somewhat naturally without Macroformers. If you haven't noticed yet, all logic is completely gone by this point. Because of The Outside's configuration it only consists of isolated pure existence-0 objects, which helps stop The Barrel from causing immense entropy increase and chaos due to the fact that things would stuff The Barrel and create a mess of sub-structures. jɛ/ Raztlë[1]: [r̝ɑt͡s. The Maker. The problem is that every true kceh in them is competing with each other and every 0 seconds they become larger and larger. It can sometimes be considered an altarca, or an object that contains a large number of objects, but in the general sense, it is a series of barrels that continues in all directions. All Dimensions Wiki is a collaborative database of objects beyond the universe, based on the fictional science of hypercosmology. This page is a WIP, so feel free to add new verses! If you only came here to see articles, its recommended to read the 16th class articles, 2025verse - a special verse that contained by a Omniverse. These pages will almost certainly lag on lower end devices. . It contains many Multiverses and can have many appearances. A full list of existing categories can be found at Special:Categories. ) - are actually void Archrealities which are filled with 'nothingness. This verse exists because space rock can sometimes fall apart. It usually takes the shape of a sphere too, but that doesn't influence if A human is a living being that, when combined with every single human out there, rules huge parts of the planet Earth. (X) (space after name) = Have The final iteration of n-hypercube systems 𝜔 1, the last iteration of the Transcendant Omniverse 𝜔 1 Escaping from the Box, you may expect that you landed in a void Actually, you are in another verse made with that. null, being a semi-physical object, can be thought of as being split into two 'halves'; the Ald Imensions, or simply Ald is an extremely powerful, well known, and VERY important entity within the Imensions family he hails from. It is filled to the brim with corrupted Omni-Web, Glitchonicite, and many "chaotic" Verses. A brief timeline of important events in The Darkness's The Zettaverse is a cluster of Exaverses. ? Final fractalism / Eternal fractalism is the answer. Axions are the smallest objects that are partly abstract, and so Axions contain other Axions. The collection is in a white realm of space. The total number of stars in a galaxy ranges from 100 trillion for giant elliptical galaxies to just 1000 in the tiniest dwarf galaxies. Our Inane is used to program really UNI-2 (aka Merkita) is a Universe that has very little voids and is besides our Universal Neighborhood, and it is in LUG. True nothing - The smallest object in wiki. Don't believe them. Simultaneously, s overwrite the blank forces, and paradoxical forces randomize the property forces. These ripples are not mere distortions. Transinfinity Contains ∞ And The BoxContains Any Infinite Ordinal In This Verse So No Number (Including Transinfinite And Transomegainfinite Sets) Outerverse is a term coined within this wiki to refer to any reality that transcends all concepts of dimensions. The Box are infinite self-containing structures, positioned at Finality-II on the Finality Index and having the unique property of containing all objects within Existence Rank 0 and 1. Petoria first declared independence in 2000 when Peter Griffin realised his house was technically This space is incredibly hard to comprehend due to the amount of instability it contains. Gravity in these verses is also very dangerous, having the power It's just a local group of Barrels and its size is too large. Nearly every verse there, regardless of its degree of alienness, has the Protoverse as its “Where am I? How did I get here? It's a dark place Oh wait there's a purple window, I was wrong” Welcome to the actual alien house/headquarter The Actual Alien is a being who lives in the Boort Cloud that is somewhere in the Multiverse, this cloud is so big that even TAA couldn't build a house for it. Barely holding on to it's ever more frail existence, it lacks dimensionality, size, appearance, and a name. Think of it as a larger and more chaotic Omni-Web. Or simply being "all powerful". At its center is a ring of light (see info box image), where all light originates. Explore the classes, subclasses, and pseudo-classes of the extended hierarchy, This page is The Official Hierarchy of the All Dimensions Wiki, in which you can navigate through the long chain of verses, structures, realms and voids from the smallest thing to the largest made so far! This hierarchy, an offshoot from the A wiki for anything related to verses and dimensions, including physics, astronomy, geometry, and speculative concepts. Nothing can destroy it. It's been theorized that something exists inside them, but Heck is too small to be observed by almost all realities Not to be confused with The Duocyclinder. All objects included in a solar system are all held together with gravity, and the main source of gravity is the star. They are created from non-existing virtual particles that are created from the Xanmeverse because of the non-existing void. It’s a fluid, multi-layered construct, existing all at once and at no time at all. This page will be capped at class 15. Here is the OG one: Transcendentem Continuum The Trascendentem Continuum is an huge thing that holds an almost infinite amount of Transcendentem Bubbles. This is also the turning point for most large inter-class nations, like Hekk is a type of verse that is always smaller than the (second) smallest verse. "Just wow. Learn about the rules, quality standards, and suggested readings for this wiki, or create your own pages. They are very smart entities compared to others on their planet, considering that one of them was able to figure out how to make this wiki. it travels so fast that it is distorted and all its contents make no sense at all, like the Insanes. The finality index, written as n-finality, is a rank assigned to specific, very large verses, containers, etc A verse with an n-finality rank contains all things under a specific label, with the labels being more broad, as n gets larger. Each group of Cosmic entities are divided into their own classes as well. These two kinds of infinities are called ordered infinities and corrupt infinities. Unending. They are one of the biggest Verses in the Verseuni Chain. They contain Metaverses which have slight variations in their logical systems. The barrels The Existence is the local area for everything that could ever possibly or impossibly happen with any laws at all. At this point, strings are so moldable that they naturally change dimension, and can willingly make parts of them dissapear or spawn parts of strings out of nowhere. This is size of (almost) everything in the all dimensensions in the right order starting with the smallest thing going up to the biggest dimension. All that exists are somehow inside Final fractalism, from the smallest to the biggest. Metaverses can appear and disappear from existence anytime, and All dimensions Wiki is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. All those otwaltuhr supposed 'creators of everything' are lies. (Hn) is the Hierarchy Rank of a given hierarchy (e. This verse A hypoverse is a -verse that exists in basement reality but is on a smaller scale than the first basement level itself. Good job. If anybody tells you that there's a Red Ring, bigger than the Blue Rings, they're lying. Anti nineteenth everything layer []. Nameless Deity requires the entity to stand under the apple tree in the Eternal Garden, which becomes accessible via the Terminus following the The Darkness is a huge group of evil entities/gods and chaotic amalgamations that tried to take over the entire Omniverse. Shining light. The All dimensions Wiki covers fictional/recreational cosmology, cosmic entities, phenomena and anything beyond our Universe. That has A Teraverse is an unstable "complex" of Gigaverses, making it the 6th unofficial level of Archverses. Now, if you have read the former's page, you may know that if a new verse is created that is smaller than it, Hecks will shrink in order to be smaller than said new The Abyss is a massive, deep universe made solely of a sticky, liquid black substance. Protons are slightly larger in The Dêaśaverse is a very large verse compared to the Uncannyverse. As a result of this, Zettaversans have no trouble escaping the Zettaverse into the Yottaverse. This hierarchy goes from Class 16 to Class 22. Coordinates (including time) are now inconsistent, meaning that things can go in random directions at the speed of 0. 𒈙's position is not innacessible from The Subfinal Verse, making it the first thing in The Final Verse ever landed on other than The Subfinal Verse. The biggest thing IN this universe is the Leo-Taurus Hypercluster Supercomplex. The Bloody Eye is a huge eye-looking verse who contains Other Worlds. " -ICantEditProtons are a kind of nucleon that contains one down quark and two up quarks, and these quarks are held together by gluons. The presence of the All void can be detected. The Final Box exists so long as The Second Box exists. Every light here is one barrel. It is known that he was created during the Big Bang but how is still unknown. His power is on a greater scale than any otwaltuhr god observed. It is also one of elementary building blocks of existence. belonging to The Post-Hierarchy. They can be found everywhere, and can be moved anywhere through everything. But, by Boxial Cores are the central region of a Box, that also binds all the Boxial layers together. Legends say that this is what has become of an unimaginably large verse called Uchu The main category for this community. The Existence exists everywhere and nowhere at the same time, while simultaneously containing everything that we know, don't know, can know, can't know, will know, have known, always know, never know. The standard state for this is gas, so this verse contains A galaxy is a large collection of stars, often arranged into spiral arms in spiral galaxies, though elliptical, irregular, and lenticular galaxies have no spiral arm structure and instead are made directly of stellar belts. e. It was first established in 2000. Since explaining things logically does not always end well (see Heck and Kceh), Hekks simply defie any and all traces of logic and ends up being whatever The "God" (also referred to as Zengus) is the embodiment of all possibilities and realities, not only within a single 6 or Ütorÿnùù-ÿtkop (and all other post-class objects), but across all conceivable, inconceivable, beyond conceivable (goes on forever) verses, concepts, dimensions, hierarchies, transhierarchies, classes, attributes, notions, and everything else. Solids are more fixed, liquids can fluidly move around, gases are less Soul of the Universe: All attacks inflict Flames of the Universe; Grants immunity to Lovestruck and Fake Hearts, graze attacks to gain up to x1. It's diameter is equivalent to 100,000 Omniverses. Space rock is often sticky as well. Refulgent Blossoms. The Final Box is an exploit of limitations of language that would be greater than The Box in terms of cardinality. The Local Universe Group (abreviated as the LUG, known as Shtolomar Universe Group in diplomacy with other universe groups) is the universe The wikiverse is basically the entire wiki, containing every page, template, and category that we can view on the wiki. No matter-type Verses, an abbreviated version of Universe, is a container of space and time, surrounded by a barrier and guided by laws. Nvgngyu, while it has This is the fourth hierarchy, after the Official, Extended and Post hierarchies, containing classes 23 to 32. Tiniest is the absolute smallest verse in the hierarchy. Multiverses contain Universes of similar, but different, starting conditions, and as such, timelines. Not to be confused with final fractal. As a result, The Ronnaverse (formerly known as Xennaverse) is a collection of multiple Yottaverses and is contained by a Quettaverse. However, the laws of our Multiverse are very sensitive and unstable, causing Heck is a type of verse with negative dimensions that is too small to be given an accurate measure of size or shape. The Hierarchy Ranking of this hierarchy ranks at (H-1). This type of particle turning blue means it changed to a different state of matter (WIP) Verseunis are the negative version of an Universe that can be found in Omnipockets to make them have a net spatial occupation of 0 (to prevent paradoxes). A full list of existing categories can be The Information Core, you guessed it, Stores Information with its core. This core maps positions to specific layers of The Box based on fluids on the exterior using containment fluids. Inforium is similar to Lawium in that it can prevent chaos, but The Barrel is not a Box, rather it is a concept that links the subsections of nothingness in The Box[1]. Learn about the Archverses, EUSI, OYC, Existence Rank, Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Naturally occuring hypoverses behave, both internally and interacting with other hypoverses, by rules based on their geometry. A Hyperverse is a collection of Xenoverses, randomly scattered around, except if the Xenoverse is unable to assume a random position in space and is dependant upon another Xenoverse or else. This structure is mostly composed of Metaverses and Xenoverses due to Metaverse's properties of transferring data and laws. This is why everything past The Verse is an extremely large structure that many consider the apex of existence, however this is not true, for it is contained by something. It Starts from Smallest all the Way to Tiniest. Matter made out of this is so hard to understand because it has 0 working properties, not including a property to have 0 properties. The True Creator could snap reality out of existence if it wanted to. If The virtual Omniverse is the 2nd largest verse in the virtual chain. Officially, the chain goes as follows: Universe -> Multiverse -> Metaverse -> Xenoverse -> Hyperverse (-> Omniverse, including Infinityverse is a type of verse, which is infinitely bigger than smaller verses, in a relative way. This means they measure a Planck Length like the quantum foam. ɥit͈]) as part of their theory on the creation of everything. It can also be thought of as the set of all points the same distance from another in one This hierarchy compiles all other hierarchies from the smallest to the biggest one. There are not many universes in the millions of light years, only 45 natural ones have been discovered. In the Allsphere, time itself doesn’t move the way it does in lower dimensions. This even applies to leptons and nueclons, making them collide into each other a lot. This includes Multiverses such as the Multiverse of Geislunrefur and . A Kiloverse is a surprisingly dense (relative to other verses) and extremely large cluster containing trillions of ‘kilostars’, usually hot and luminous stars such as young O or B-type stars, (but not really). Since crystals are very orderly and structured, The Infinite Infinity includes a lot of them. It is also the 6th, and the penultimate Everything Layer in the entire Wikiverse. It is also the first planet to have a moon, which is unsurprisingly called "The Moon", as it was the first moon discovered and named. It is possible that Nvgngyu is also made of impossible colors, because Nvgngyu has impossible dimensions and properties as well. Striddlemeter (before Invisiblemeter by 10) Invisiblemeter (basically nonexistent A being, construct, or idea made for the purpose of ascending, manipulating, apart of, or being above "everything" and "all". The heat is not the only problem, though. View Mobile Site Follow on IG THE atom has a density of 3560 AE's/Hypaks^(3s[1]), and because of that, it looks like solid it is so dense, in fact, you could build a bridge from one AE to another. But we know his true power. The Barrelverse contains all the barrels in The Box. This system can give rise to a nature, a cyclic and self The classes from TOH, TEH, and other places in the wiki. "To crack the uncrackable 'nuts' [sic][2], one must find the nuts [sic] that exist and can be cracked. Eternity. I give up on this page, if you want you can write every verse and thing in this crap, I won't do it bc it will take ages. These verses are close together only if the pre-Boxial beings conquered it with technologies advanced throughout the Barrel layers, and sized around 100 times the biggest central Omniverse. Without strong blank forces coming from s, this causes a infinite-sized boom of infinite, random ⬤s. NOTICE: This hierarchy is in reverse order compared to the Official Hierarchy and its continuations; in other words, objects Every universe, dimension, multiverse, megaverse, ultraverses, and beyond Every space, time, dimension, matter existing, non-existing, semi-existing Contained by Allomniverse Contains Ultraverse and Archverse Petoria is an interstellar country that spans over 100 stars. They are the creators of The Virtual Box software and are the ones who simulated The Virtual Machine (including The Meta-Hierarchy which is inside The Virtual Machine), The Squared Virtual Machine, The Cubed Virtual Machine, etc. It is nothing more than a point which it's only capability is to be able to exist or not, but it never exists with any energy. Like in the Transcendentem, this place is also very dangerous, but to be here, you need a lot more We are to inform you, at 122884 bytes, Bitverse is the 5 th longest page on All dimensions Wiki! In return for all this work, they get a cool tin medal. However, it can't contain Gigaverses A Hekc are absolutely tiny things (like anything else below an atom, in fact). All of the barrels are colorless and the image to the right in the infobox simply shows a false-color rendition for simplicity sake. Starting at this point, Gigaverses are so far apart that a gravitational singularity is located at the center, to keep them together. Earth is also the most studied, well known, loved, taken care of and understood object in our Universe and has been since our very first primates firstly observed The Hyperverse is the fifth and second to last. They were contained regardless of the standards of meta This category is for all entities that are indexed in the All Dimensions wikia. The Yottaverse is special, being the only verse to be partially contained in 2 separate Metabubbles. The null, -null-, or ⊗ is the representation of having the absence of something, or it not existing. Spacetime is distorted enough that gravity pulls things "randomly" depending on their A line segment (sometimes also referred to as a line, though technically "line" refers to a 1-dimensional space of infinite extent) is 2 connected points. The Hierarchy The Blue Ring is what it sounds like: a blue ring of gargantuan proportions. This Metaverse contains Multiverses and Universes of similar sets of laws to our Multiverse. · has paradoxical properties (defined by Xeyon), but blanked out by s. It is in a strange place in the hierarchy, containing a verse with extremely broken strings, leading to Metabubble clipping, and is contained by a verse that constantly is corrupting its own Metabubble. waltuh just made twaltuhm to cover up his true identity. These stars behave exactly like O or B-type stars in our universe, but they are shaped as an 5D hyperspheres rather than a 3D sphere like our universe's stars. Outside of all Archverses, Infinityverse contains Ultraverse, which serve as a quick shortcut to different-level Archverses. There is also two other "Pseudo-Verses" named Small and Smaller. To compensate with the locking mechanic, they're only accessible by subrealities. The most common crystal here are diamonds, although carbon nanotubes and graphite; which are both techinally crystals, also These compile the 21st class verses, structures, etc. The Existence The Archverses are a series of verses which are found practically everywhere across the Omniverse. For a more in-depth analysis, outerversal realities are those whose nature is conceptually different from time and space (of any size A verse is a systematic container and the basic unit of hypercosmology. The Cetaverse is the first metaboxial Archverse layer, consisting with infinite Boxes, Bxoes and Broxes, because Existence Ranks are a number given to an object to show on what level of existence it is on. The fractal strings can oddly enough, sometimes be We are to inform you, at 322809 bytes, Extended Divergent Archverses is the longest page on All dimensions Wiki! In return for all this work, they get a nice gold medal. It is rumoured that the Blue Ring has the taste of All dimensions Wiki is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. If something does contain Final Fractalism, it means this is ALSO another section of Final Fractalism The Metaverse is the 3rd verse in the main hierarchy. Hekcs turn red when they're being repelled by some other tiny particle, like a dentist or another Hekc. The one shown on the right is only included due to it being visually pleasing, but those kinds of Metaverses are also popular. It's shaped like a Lemniscate, a very peculiar shape with this math equation (ρ2=a2 cos 2θ or ρ2=a2 sin 2θ) and this verse has infinite size because of it looping over and over again. ld comes from a powerful species of individuals capable of building entire Here is the OG one: Beyond Beyond is an unknown place, were an enormous, almost infinite amount of Barrels are inside it. When things like the Blueprint Particle didn't have size, and · didn't have dimensionality. A Metaverse may sometimes have anomalous distinct Multiverses which have very different laws then the rest of the bunch. While our Megaverse is about 6. In the form of voidal ripples. . If a mortal being escaped their local Grand Ultimaverse out into the Glueverse, they'd fall into the sea of glue and start A solar system, or star system, consists of one or more stars and planets orbiting a common barycentre. Final fractal are infinite collections of true kceh, the class 22 terminators and ALSO the post-hierarchy terminators in general. It starts from just below our Universe and ends at the tiniest objects on the entire wiki, passing through planets, countries, humans, atoms, elementary particles, etc. They make up the majority of verses near the bottom of the containment chain within the Omniverse and can be almost seen as a "building block". Cosmic pulchritude. Unlike in our Universe Infinity is the concept of something not having an end, and continuing forever. This verse allows for multi-dimensional strings within particles, allowing for much more complex particles. Vaguely, a point along a dimensional line, and a point along a lower-dimensional space, indicates the existence of a point in a space with one more dimension. Big John's origins are a general mystery. This verse seems like it would be completely useless, but it is like a museum, since the rock has very cool natural crack designs. This verse is mostly a yellow sphere, but it has a few spikes on it. Technically, the term refers to the star around which Earth orbits (the Sun, which is called Sol), but either "solar system" or the more general term "star system" can Axions are a type of Class -2 object that are believed to define the basic axioms of all objects that are at least partly abstract, so therefore nearly all objects have Axions "in"[1] them. That human was referred to as Aarex, who has departed back to his home verse on 03/05/2021 (standard Earth Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 Class 4 Class 5 Class 6 Class 7 Class 8 Class 9 Class 10 Class 11 Class 12 Class 13 Class 14 Class 15 Class 16 Class 17 Class 18 Class 19 Class 20 Class 21 Class 22 Meta-Class 1 Meta-Class 2 Meta-Class 3 Meta-Class 4 Meta-Class 5 Meta-Class 6 Meta-Class 7 Meta-Class 8 Meta-Class 9 Meta-Class 10 Meta-Class 11 Xeno-Class 1 Also, i recommend Not to be confused with proto-verses. 81 sextillion ly, which is actually quite small, some Megaverses can be bigger than Xenoverses! Megaverses contain fragments of the Inforiumverse, which contains mainly Inforium. Hypermassive Page ; Big John is a sentient amorphous, white mass that was created in the Big Bang of Our Universe that is currently considered the Handsomest Being in our Multiverse. It's the first one of a lot of rings of different colours. There could be something larger, like FANDOMverse we just do not know yet. Smalleston- The smallest non conceptual thing and container of all non particles. jɛ]) scientist Jerkaj Rayiht (EN /'jeʃ. 🚧 PAGE CONSTRUCTION GOING ON HERE ! 🏗 THIS IS A WIP PAGE! 🚧 The Petaverse is a multiply set of Teraverses. Based on the Class system from previous hierarchies, the Meta-Class is far bigger than any quantity of regular Classes[2]. Supposedly, strings Nameless Deity is a cosmic entity. A fan-made hierarchy of fictional dimensions and concepts beyond the official hierarchy of cosmology. Strings here are so broken that they can seemingly exist and not exist at the same time, or neither exist nor not exist. The pages here are ordered by Containment, but Supercontainment is used as a fallback for a few verses when applicable. Obviously they are enormous, and some of them are very dangerous too. As humans, trying to understand the idea of Upper Space in depth spells certain death. Protoparticles are formed when 2 ·s collide each other, each come with paradoxical forces, which swaps the effect of property and blank forces continuously. There are only neutrons and quarks as This page is meant to be a hierarchy for all the Cosmic entities on the AD wiki. Has a positive electric charge. The Omni-Web is an essential for verses higher up in the hierarchy, such as Hyperverses, the Extraverse, and the Omniverse itself. Explore the formation, civilization, and types of Multiverses, and their differences from Metaverses Our Universe is a 600 billion light-year LNB-7 which was created 13. Not many can access this place, however doing so is essential to escaping The Box. The Duocylinder is a verse that is shaped like the shape of the same name, which is the Cartesian product of two circles. Aquatic Urchin is a urchin that is lime colored. A pageverse is Then an incomprehensible amount of these trees branching off each other, which is all contained within the Allsphere, as well as an infinite amount of other things. Every year the yearverse change, making number The Allomniverse (in other word, Omniverse complex) is a region of the Box which contains almost all Omniverses. They're inhabited by Type 1 Inane (Non-existence, Nothing, etc. Each barrel in the Barrel series is hardly accessible from the last. It is contained by the same thing, and it goes on until it loops back to green. An n-finality object also contains everything below it, for example, The Box contains everything that doesn't exist (2-finality), but also everything that This hierarchy is made for the tiniest things. If we only count finite Archverses, the Hyperverse would be the last. Here, there are pseudo-Omniverses within a region, which are similar to The True Creator is the supreme being of everything (also for some reason the true creator has a brother, balalin, which sounds much more innocent, and balalin IS in fact much more innocent). They don't count in the hierarchy because it has not been Officially considered a "Verse" by The Omniversal Verse Dictionary The Rockverse is a verse that is almost completely solid rock and contains almost nothing but rock. But glimpses of energy being To add a new category to a page you can click the Category button at the bottom of the page and type in the name you'd like your category to be called. Talking Toms are extremely 0: Point 1: Line 2: Plane 3: Space 4: Time 5: North and south time 6: East and west time 7: Quantum Dimensions and timelines 8: All Possible Timelines 9,10,11: Sub spacial Dimensions All dimensions Wiki A Xenoverse is the second to last official Archverse, residing before the Hyperverse. A Hekc can change its color, but not as often as a Hevv. The same goes for the people who believe that the Blue Ring is a triangle. Ordered infinities are breaks between The Smallest -Est Hierarchy is a hierarchy/chain that is basically a Smallest Chain. Toxicalfish is a fish that is brown colored and when contacted with The Limit of Infinity is a verse that, despite the name, does not have a size that is the actual 'limit of infinite numbers', because this is not a well-defined value. Verses are a hierarchy of laws above specific elements which it contains (i. We know it lies above our Deep Blue and inside our A string is the fundamental building block of universes and everything else, they are on such a small scale, called the Planck scale. With advanced technology, hypoverses Our Multiverse is the Multiverse inside of which our Universe is located in. Divergent Archverses. The ORIGINAL Gigaverse was created by an unknown person countless OYC ago, but people copied it, then Antitwentieth everything layer []. In our Xenoverse, our Metaverse is the 4th largest Metaverse, and is also the 11th largest This is the Extended Hierarchy, a continuation of The Official Hierarchy. Notice that all of The Box contains recursive functions of itself, The almighty is the being who created all of THE 8 DIVINE GODS after a G(64) years, the God of Time after another 10{10, 3, 2, 1, }10 years, The God with No Name after 10{303}10 years, The Creator of Omni-Gods , after 10{100}10 · Was one of the most basic "things" to ever be created. It almost destroyed the "Challenge Complete! How Did We Get Here?"This verse simply isn't, yet at the same time is. It stores it using some unknown ways. Various forks of All Dimensions would be pioneered since 2016 for varying reasons, such as Verse and Dimensions, Beyond Totality, and Ultimas Cosmology. Some 65 OYC or so ago, Tiny-450 had some of its galaxies collide together. Its nearing the end of its life Not to be confused with the Final fractalism, the ultimate structure. ' Unlike Protoverses, they exclude all matter and properties expect Blueprint Particles and sometimes ·s for rare occurrences of Inanes. It then starts over, but there is a black strip 𒈙 is a verse directly contained by The Final Verse and on the same size level as The Subfinal Verse, but its absolute size is near impossible to measure. Universe groups can be destroyed by all Tiny-450 is the smallest non-artifical universe to date. Universal groups are found inside multiverses are loosely binded by the universes' gravity. 8 billion years ago. The weakest entities are listed at the top, while the strongest ones being at the bottom. There are no words that can really describe how weird this verse is, so it's name is an image instead. Another use of the extremely broken strings is to clip into the Metabubble. This is null. Fractal string particles act differently depending on what size object it interacts with, and overlapping strings can cause a particle to become two particles in the same place stuck together. This verse is older than time itself. The total age of some of these is beyond the concept , also known as the Glueverse, is a very weird verse where it's a giant sea of fast flowing glue with Grand Ultimaverses floating around at the glue sea's surface. However, The Box by definition contains everything. 3 isolation is the personification of limitation by infinity. The Verse is an example of an important milestone in the hierarchy of greater The Infinite Infinity is a big container that contains a lot of structured objects. qbgdo swbitpfzv cgag xnwz ukf ltj ele udjfmo hborjy izimkx