Nyu operations management syllabus An overview of the PhD program in the Operations Management (OM) area within the Information, Operations, and Management Sciences (IOMS) and microeconomics either through courses taken in a prior degree program or by taking a similar course offered at NYU. edu The prerequisites for the course are some familiarity with basic Operations Management and Statistics subjects such as linear programming Competitive Advantage from Operations Course Syllabus B01. and Thurs. Available on NYU Classes under Resources/Case Folder; Recommended reading : The Goal by E. edu Office Hours: by appointment Syllabus MEETINGS 3:00-4:20 PM, Tues. edu Office Hours: After class or by To securely log out of your NYU account, quit your browser, especially when using a shared computer. Clinical Professor of Management and Entrepreneurship Management and Organizations Department Berkley Center for Entrepreneurship: gao2@stern. MODULE 1: Introduction to Process Analysis and Design Jan 29 SESSION 1: INTRODUCTION TO OM 1. Office hours: 12:30-1:30pm Tuesday . 7 August 27, 2019 Operations Management Course Syllabus COR1-GB. 01 Room UC-15 . To effectively manage change you will need a solid understanding of what change is about, what are its critical aspects, and how one can lead change initiatives in a disciplined and successful way. 1 NYU Stern School of Business Undergraduate College OPMG-UB. The coverage of the discipline is very selective: We concentrate on a small number of powerful themes that have emerged recently as the central building blocks of world-class operations. edu Office Hours: General (Open) Office Hours: W/F 9-10:00 AM 1-1 Office Hours (20 min): T/Th 9-10:00 AM (Use Calendly link on NYU Brightspace to sign-up) Operations Management “OPS in NYC” COR1-GB. Email: wxiao@stern. TEACHING ASSISTANT: TBD Office Hours: By Appointment Email: OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT COR1-GB. Spring 2024. Introduction to Emergency Management, 6th edition, Elsevier Science & Technology, 2007. STERN SCHOOL OF BUSINESS . 01: Operations Management Spring 2017 INSTRUCTOR MAXIME COHEN E-mail: maxime. Please do not use these samples as a basis for buying textbooks, scheduling, preparing assignments, etc. 2350. ) · Option pricing (European options, American options) · Real option approach to the valuation of investment opportunities · Capacity Course Syllabus of Operations Management Fall 2018 . edu O ce Hours: Mon. Operations is one of the primary functions of a firm. ffi Location : TBD COURSE MEETINGS 1 Global Strategy UB. Read “Terms Used In Operations Management”, “Analysis of an Operation Course Syllabus of Operations Management Fall 2021 Instructor: Wenqiang Xiao Office hour: TBD Email: wx2@stern. Room: TBA. Textbook: Introduction to Operations Research, Hillier and Lieberman, 7th edition. 2314 Home Page | Mission | Syllabus] [ Course Description | Downloads | David Juran Home Page | About Juran] email: Revenue&Management&andPricing& Course&Syllabus&& NYU KMC 8-77, (212) 998-0298, rcaldent@stern. Availability – Tuesday – Saturday (5pm-8pm EST) TA email – Read the first 12 pages of Analysis of Operations. edu ), my former Case Analysis student, will be the primary support for the Gas Widget Model assignment, and he will also How well does the company's operations design support its competitive position? Which Quality Management Slides: om-12a. Managing change is also the primary focus of the management consulting industry. Stern School of Business. Available on NYU Classes under Resources/Case Folder 4. Students can combine coursework in strategy and strategic management with additional learning in negotiations, leadership, and decision-making in a way that provides an overall understanding of the management process of both large and small organizations. If so, I will communicate this electronically and in advance. In such cases, URLs are specified For this Operations Management course, it is essential to have a good understanding of mathematics (arithmetic, geometry and algebra) from high school and college-level algebra and well as assess your preparation are posted on NYU Classes under Syllabus. COURSE SYLLABUS OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT . Please use the following link to purchase the cases from HBS. It introduces students to the evolving role business plays in society and challenges students to explore how it can and should create value. 0094-0099 Prerequisite: MGMT-UB. Additionally, the program offers unique Operations Management Fall 2024 Instructor Information • Instructor: Rob Johnson, rwj2022@nyu. Students will engage in practical analyses of operational metrics, scheduling, supply chain management, and yield management strategies. Selling and Sales Management Syllabus Spring 2020 . COURSE OBJECTIVE This course introduces the basic principles and techniques of applied mathematical modeling for Clifford Hurvich is a Professor of Statistics and Research Professor of Information, Operations and Management Sciences at the Stern School of Business, New York University. COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course serves as an introduction to Operations Management. Office: KMC 8-72 . bansal@stern. 2314 Sections 10 and 91 Fall 2019 Suggested Prerequisite Courses: Firms and Markets well as assess your preparation are posted on NYU Classes under Syllabus. Students who are interested in (1) operations and supply chain management, (2) management consulting, (3) investment, and (4) marketing. Managing Business Process Flows (MBPF in this Syllabus) by Anupindi et al, Pearson Prentice Hal, 2012. Cases Please use the following link to purchase the cases from HBS. Operations Management Fall 2023 Instructor Information Instructor: Rob Johnson, rwj2022@nyu. edu Learning Tool: Personal Listening Profile Purchased in class #1; please bring $30 Course Description: Sales is a mission critical function for all Supply Chain Management Course Syllabus . edu COURSE MEETINGS Meeting Times: Tuesday and Thursday, 9:30 AM - 10:45 AM Location: KMC 3-90 COURSE DESCRIPTION AND LEARNING GOALS This course is designed to provide students an understanding of how firms can gain competi-tive advantage Operations is like math/stats stuff in a business context. edu Telephone: 212-998-0464 Course Overview and Objectives This syllabus is tentative and subject to change. robertsalomon. edu TELEPHONE: 212-998-0945 COURSE OVERVIEW AND OBJECTIVES Operations Management is the design and management of the processes that transform inputs into finished goods or Operations Management “OPS in NYC” COR1-GB. However, uncovering and translating this information into actionable To best assess management's value-creation activities, we discuss the needs to reformulate this syllabus has been reviewed by NYU Stern’s Office for Diversity This course focuses on budgeting, scheduling, and procurement practices in the planning, execution, and control of a project. MODULE 1: Introduction to Operating Systems: Process Analysis and Design Jan 25 SESSION 1: INTRODUCTION TO OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT 1. Spring 2017 . COMPUTER SOFTWARE: • EXCEL • Online simulation tool for the Benihana case, “Operations Management TCHT1-UC 3200 Advanced Hotel Operations Management 3 TCHT1-UC 3240 Managing Food and Beverage Operations 3 TCHT1-UC 3620 Casino Operations & Management 3 TCHT1-UC 3535 Cases in Organizational Excellence 3 TCHT1-UC 1400 Hospitality & Tourism Law 3 TCHT1-UC 1350 Leadership in the Hospitality Industry 3 TCHT1-UC 1200 Human Resource COURSE SYLLABUS: DECISION MODELS & ANALYTICS (Subject to minor changes) MEETINGS: Tuesdays and Thursdays 6PM-9PM, Summer 2015 (June 30th – August 6th) INSTRUCTOR: Professor Arash Asadpour Office: KMC 8-60 Phone: (212) 998-0822 E-mail: aasadpou@stern. edu 212-998-0292: Operations strategy, Supply chain management, Service operations, Incentives issues in operations management: Jiawei Zhang Chair, Department of Technology, Operations, and Statistics Michael Armellino Professor in Business Professor of Technology, Operations, and Statistics jzhang@stern. COURSE Managing change is a central concern for today’s managers. It provides a holistic wx2@stern. Office hour: Wednesday, 1 to 2pm . • Practical Management Science (5th edition), by Winston and Albright. ProQuest Ebook NYU Tandon School of Engineering Department of Technology Management and Innovation - Operations Management - Operations Strategy, Process Design, Improvement, Management, Innovation and Growth MG-GY 6303 May 24 th – July 12 th Meets weekly Monday 12:00 - 2:30 pm online (Zoom) Summer 2021 Industry Associate Professor, Program Director, zemel@stern. 60 Operations Management Summer Term I 2016 INSTRUCTOR JOSH REED E-mail: jreed@stern. by Jan A. Introduction to Operations Management: Course Introduction and Overview. com Office hours: T/Th 11am-12pm, or by appointment COURSE OVERVIEW This course addresses several questions: (1) Why do firms expand globally? View Syllabus_Operations_ Management - Copy. Business and Society is the first course in the Social Impact Core Curriculum required for Stern students. from 6 pm to 9 pm Location: KMC 3-50 Schedule exceptions None. In such cases, URLs are specified NYU Stern School of Business OPMG-UB 1-001: Operations Management Spring 2019 INSTRUCTOR This syllabus is tentative and subject to change. “Terms used in Operations Management,” posted on COURSE SYLLABUS OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT . edu TEXTBOOK The following book is recommended, but optional. 2350) Instructor Information: LUCIUS JOSEPH RICCIO E-mail: lriccio@stern. [Sample Syllabus] Prof. Instructor Details: Name: Fabio Schoen NYUGlobal Home Email Address: fs56@nyu. !! The main objective of this session is to get a bird’s-eye view of operations and understand its role in the success of a business. edu This course provides an introduction to computer-based models for decision making. ffi Location : TBD COURSE MEETINGS Joined Stern 2004. 2314 – Summer II - 2018 (Subject to Minor Revisions) COURSE DESCRIPTION: Operations management is concerned with the systematic design, management and Name of some NYU instructors appear on the front page – while the authors of the original Joined Stern 2021. Telephone: 212-998-0945 the product, and whereas finance provides the capital for the product, operations produces and delivers the product. E-mail ds6844@stern. Course Title: Digital Marketing and Social Media . READINGS There is one case to purchase at the bookstore: This syllabus is tentative and subject to change. Email: TBA . GPH-GU 3110 Advanced Health Policy & Management (3) Semester: Spring Prerequisites: GPH-GU 2110. b. O ce Location: KMC 8-79 TEACHING FELLOWS TBD COURSE MEETINGS Meeting Times: Tues. Materials to prepare for each session, if needed, will be posted on NYU Classes under The core operations class and a genuine interest in supply chain management. The coverage of the discipline is very selective: We concentrate on a small number of powerful themes that have emerged recently as Arturo Navarro Program Description. edu) Admin All course titles are linked to a sample syllabus with a general course description. talluri@upf. The emphasis is on models that are widely used in diverse industries and COURSE SYLLABUS (temporary) OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT. This is a quantitative course, with strong attention paid on the capability of understanding and correctly using analytical and mathematical tools. Copy of Syllabus NYU Florence OPMG-UB 9001 F01 Operations Management Schoen Fall 2021 To declare a concentration in Operations, you must fill out the concentration declaration form on Stern Life. Then we will present some basic analytical tools This course provides a general introduction to operations management (OM), or the production and delivery of goods and services. Michael Pinedo is the Julius Schlesinger Professor of Operations Management in the Department of Technology, Operations, and Statistics at New York University Leonard N. Spring 2018 (Draft) COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course serves as an introduction to Operations Management. The Zara Example (covered in class) Operations management is about designing, analyzing, and improving the whole transformation process, including procurement, production, distribution, warehousing, and retailing, with the Introduction: Operations as a competitive weapon; operations strategy and decision making; the lecture will cover basic facts and definitions. edu O ce Hours: TBD O ce Location: KMC 8-77 TEACHING FELLOWS TBD E-mail: TBD O ce Hours: TBD O ce Location: TBD COURSE MEETINGS Page 1 Operations Management – Prof: Michael Pinedo . 2. edu . The coverage of the mpinedo@stern. a working general partner of a 1 Course Syllabus of Operations Management Winter Intensive 2015 (Subject to minor change) Meetings: 12:00 p. edu ffi Hours : By appointment. Operations management is about COURSE SYLLABUS OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT Spring 2014 INSTRUCTOR: Wenqiang Xiao OFFICE HOURS: 12:30-2pm Monday OFFICE: KMC 8-72 EMAIL: wxiao@stern. We concentrate on a small number of powerful themes that have emerged recently as the central building blocks of world-class operations. 0001 and permission of the undergraduate faculty adviser. The course reviews product development, pricing, distribution channels, promotion, revenue management, cargo operations, market research and data driven decision making processes. 12 pm to 1:30 pm NYU Stern . cohen@stern. edu Operations Management Course Syllabus COR1-GB. He is also a Fellow of the American Statistical Association, and an Associate Editor of the Journal of Time Series Analysis. Stern School of Business Kaufman Management Center 44 West Fourth Street, 8-171 New York, NY 10012. Our mission is to equip 21st century managers with the ability and analytical skills to lead and manage complex and dynamic operating systems. MODULE 1: Introduction to Operating Systems: Process Analysis and Design Sep 5 SESSION 1: INTRODUCTION TO OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT 1. starting September 5 Supply Chain Management Tues 10-Oct NYU Holiday 11 Thur 12-Oct Project Management Operations Management Prof. 60 (B60. TEACHING ASSISTANT: TBA . Similar to FFM in terms of doing problem solving-based psets and heavy emphasis on tests. We also present a sample of operations management tools and techniques that have been proved extremely useful over the years. nyu. Class Meeting: 6 to 9pm, Monday . Also note that I may add or remove readings from time to time to further encourage student learning. The topics are equally relevant for 914-225-7081 cmohebbi@stern. We will be discussing Operations at UPS. Session 13 - Tue Dec 7. 23 | Spring 2016 . 21 . Instructor: Xuan Wang Office hours: TBA Office: KMC 8-154 Email: xwang3@stern. 23 | Spring 2020 Revised 1. Whereas marketing focuses on the demand for the product, and whereas finance provides the capital for NYU Tandon School of Engineering Department of Technology Management and Innovation - Operations Management - Operations Strategy, Process Design, Improvement, Management, Innovation and Growth MG-GY 6303 September 2 nd – December 14 th First Class – September 7 th Meets weekly Tuesdays 2:00 - 4:30 pm online (Zoom) Fall 2021 Industry analysis of operations kristen’s cookies case panama canal case fcn securities demo (a), (b) and (c) network cases waiting line management table the ritz-carlton case (columbia university case) the bridgestone-firestone case (nyu case) the Michael Pinedo Page 1 Operations Management – Spring 16 Prof: Michael Pinedo . A. 2320. Read the first 12 pages of Analysis of Operations. Stern's Operations Management (OM) group works on problems in managing operations in today’s economy. The coverage of the discipline is very selective: We concentrate on a small number of powerful themes that have emerged recently as the (212) 998-0298 (rcaldent@stern. Instructor: Xuan Wang Office hours: Friday 4:00 – 5:00 p. B60. 2314 COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course serves as an introduction to Operations Management. Introduction to Operations Research is oriented to students with a strong interest on the quantitative aspects of management. edu OFFICE HOURS: TBA GRADER: TBA COURSE DESCRIPTION COURSE SYLLABUS COR1-GB. edu OFFICE HOURS: Mondays and Wednesdays 5:00-6:00pm or by NYU Stern School of Business Undergraduate College OPMG-UB 1: Operations Management Fall 2023 INSTRUCTOR Divya Singhvi E-mail: divya. edu O ce Hours: Thurs. Through readings, lectures, real-world case studies, and assignments, students will gain an understanding of how to use financial information in organizational planning, implementation, control, reporting, and analysis. , location TBA. 2000. Intended Audience Students who are interested in (1) operations and supply chain management, (2) management consulting, (3) investment, and (4) marketing. edu: Okun, Glenn A. I expect every student to be familiar with the Stern School of This course aims to improve your ability to effectively manage and lead health service organizations. Operations Management: OPS in NYC COR1-GB. 30 SYLLABUS – SAMPLE Professor Foster Provost, Information, Operations & Management Sciences Department Office; Hours KMC 8-86; Email fprovost@stern. EMAIL: yxu@stern. SAMPLE SYLLABUS . 002 (DRAFT September 2015) – STILL SUBJECT TO REVISIONS!) Spring 2016 . 2344 Prof. Office Hours: TBA . [Sample Syllabus] – Introduction to Operations Research (MBA elective). Office Hours: 4:30 to 5:30pm, Monday . Chapter 2 Publishing (NYU Bookstore) Fall 2023 Syllabus (9/6/2023 - 10/23/2023) Mondays & Wednesdays. edu O ce Hours: By appointment. Materials to prepare for each session, if needed, will be posted on NYU Classes under %PDF-1. 2314 Spring 2022 COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course serves as NYU Stern School of Business COR1-GB. E-mail ahg2061@stern. Students will learn to observe and analyze an organization Students will engage in practical analyses of operational metrics, scheduling, supply chain management, and yield management strategies. Intended Audience . HONOR CODE . Operations Management OPMG-UB 9001 F01 Instruction Mode: In-Person be read before class will be posted on NYU LMS. edu Krawitz Selling and Sales Management Syllabus Spring 2017 V 0. Email: wx2@stern. Office hour: 10:30 am to 11:30 am, Monday, KMC 8-63 . edu. Course No Course Title Department Instructor Syllabi Status ; Operations Management: Technology, Operations and Statistics: Mohebbi: Not Submitted: Int'l Management Exchange Program: NYU Stern School of Business: Not Assigned: Not Submitted: INTA-GB. 2 PLEASE NOTE:Sample syllabi are posted to provide you with additional information for the course registration process and may not reflect the final versions of the courses. The coverage of the discipline is INSTRUCTOR: René Caldentey, KMC 8-77, (212) 998-0298, rcaldent@stern. The first-time user needs to register an 1 STERN SCHOOL OF BUSINESS . OPS IN NYC is an experiential course in operations management for full-time MBA students at New York University’s Stern School of Business. an entrepreneurial investor, looking to buy a coop, condo or small property for individual use or rental 2. edu What is Operations Management Operations is one of the primary functions of a firm. ffi Location : KMC 8-79 TEACHING FELLOW VIPUL BANSAL E-mail: vipul. Department of Information, Operations and Management Sciences . INSTRUCTOR : OFFICE: KMC 8-171 . Course Syllabus COR1-GB. If weekly open office hours are not convenient or if you want to meet privately, please contact operational budgeting and planning, cost control, and management decision making. Required Functional Business Core Course: Management and Organizations (MGMT-UB 1) You are required to complete 12 credits of upper-level management courses that consist of: Any four (4) approved Management electives: Operations Management Fall 2022 Instructor Information • Instructor: Rob Johnson, rwj2022@nyu. Anika Sharma . NYU IT Service Desk, open 24x7 for support by email or phone. ) (DRAFT – STILL SUBJECT TO REVISIONS) OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT FALL 2013 MEETINGS: OPMG-UB. 2129. singhvi@stern. As members of our community, all students agree to abide by the NYU Stern Stern School of Business, NYU – Operations Strategy (Executive MBA, elective). Instructor: Wenqiang Xiao Office: KMC 8-72 . edu Finance Global Real Estate Immersion: UAE (3. operations management involves the design, planning, and management of business processes, and how operations is a source of competitive advantage for a firm. Whereas marketing focuses on the demand for the product, and whereas finance provides the capital for the product, operations produces NYU Stern School of Business Undergraduate College OPMG-UB. edu Course Syllabus of Operations Management Winter Intensive 2015 Meetings: 12:00 p. TELEPHONE: 212-998-0454 . 0 Page 1 Sales Management Syllabus B70. Spring 2017 (DRAFT as of November 20, 2016, Introduction to Operations Management – Course Introduction and Overview. 1 Effectively managing operations enables firms to gain a competitive advantage by creating cost leadership, quality superiority, flexible response to customer needs, and getting products and services to market quickly. Stern School of Business Kaufman Management Center 44 West Fourth Street, 8-75 New York, NY 10012. edu Office: Adjunct Office Recommended Text: Sales Management 6e Ingram, LaForge, et al Thomson South-Western Course Purposes: Course Syllabus of Operations Management Spring 2015 . Content, schedule, requirements, assignments, etc. Students start the Summer term at NYU Stern in New York City and complete the rest of the program at NYU Shanghai. edu NYU Brightspace will be used to post readings and assignments throughout the semester. 0004 Fall Semester, 2020 Professor: Robert Salomon Office: Tisch 711 Phone: (212) 998-0223 E-mail: rsalomon@stern. Professor Hurvich earned a B. We examine a range of key challenges that managers must address to optimize organizational performance, including questions of mission, vision, and strategy ("What areas or activities should we be working in?") and questions of organizational design and operations For the Operations Management course, it is essential to have a good understanding of mathematics (arithmetic, geometry and algebra) from high school and college-level algebra and well as assess your preparation are posted on NYU Classes under Syllabus. 04: Operations Management Fall 2013 INSTRUCTOR JOSH REED E-mail: jreed@stern. Cases . The core operations class and a genuine interest in supply chain management. MKTG-UB 0038. Infotech is more of a memorization class. INSTRUCTOR: Yuqian Xu . 1 Course Syllabus of Operations Management Spring 2016 (DRAFT from Spring 2015) Instructor: Wenqiang Xiao Office hours: 12:30-1:30pm Tuesday Office: KMC 8- Email: wxiao@stern. Kaufman Management Center, 44 West Fourth Street, 3‐90 KMC 10‐82 212 Email: skh8541@ stern. Homework Readings (for next class): 1. 0 credits) FINC-GB. M. , location Tisch-UC21. Topics In this core course in financial management, students will learn the fundamentals of budgeting and accounting for public, health, and nonprofit organizations. NYU Stern School of Business COR1-GB. Course Syllabi Adjunct Professor of Information, Operations and Management Sciences: gos203@stern. Sam Chandan Global On-Site and Pre-Departure Meetings (see syllabus) To apply: Global Real Estate Immersion: London | CampusGroups: Faculty-Led Travel Courses While commercial real estate development, asset management, and the legal and tax framework of investment and lending zzhou@stern. -Thurs. edu Office Hours: THURSDAYS FROM 12:15PM – 2:15PM . The Zara Example (covered NYU Stern School of Business COR1-GB. Required: Haddow, George D. . [Sample Syllabus] – Operations Management (Executive MBA, MBA and Undergrad, core class). Whereas marketing focuses on the demand for the product, and whereas finance provides the capital for the product, operations produces also the Student Accessibility section of this syllabus) at 212-998-4980 to discuss academic . 01 (DRAFT March 2015) - STILL SUBJECT TO REVISIONS) FALL Operations (Seventh Edition) a customized text created for Stern students containing Chapters from Heizer and Render, Operations Management, 10 th edition Read the first 12 pages of Analysis of Operations. Required Functional Business Core Course: Operations Management (OPMG-UB 1) You are required to complete 12 credits of upper-level operations courses that consist of: Two (2) required Operations courses (choose a minimum of 2): Course Syllabus of Operations Management Spring 2025 . We also present a sample of operations NYU Stern School of Business OPMG-UB 1-002: Operations Management Spring 2019 INSTRUCTOR This syllabus is tentative and subject to change. may change. 01. syllabus. Materials to prepare for each session, if needed, will be posted on NYU Classes under Lessons. 4 problems as linear optimization ones and in solving them using a spreadsheet (the solver be read before class will be posted on NYU LMS. TA Name - Anshita Lalwani . SUPPLY CHAIN PLANNING TOOLS . edu> COURSE DESCRIPTION Organizations seek to gain and then maintain competitive advantage so that they can adapted from "Operations Management for Competitive Advantage", 11th edition, by Chase, Jacobs, The core operations class and a genuine interest in supply chain management. F3: operating budgets, cash budgets, break-even analysis, cost allocation, variance analysis, the time The course website can be found on NYU Learning Management System (“NYU LMS” or CORE-GP 1021 Syllabus, Fall 2023 6 NYU’s Calendar Policy on Religious Holidays Joined Stern 2004. edu O ce Hours: Mon 10-12 and Wed 12-2 O ce Location: 8-79 KMC TEACHING FELLOW JONATHAN LEE E-mail: jl5067@stern. In such cases, URLs are specified here and Course Syllabus of Operations Management Spring 2016 (DRAFT from Spring 2015) Wenqiang Xiao 12:30-1:30pm Tuesday KMC 8-72 wxiao@stern. Textbook (all optional) • Operations Strategy: Principles and Practice. Operational excellence is the key driver to performance in a world that is increasingly driven by information. Office Telephone: 212-998-0945 . Semester: Spring 2018 . Required Text: Customer-Centric Selling 1st edition . Stern School of Business Kaufman Management Center 44 West Fourth Street, 8-73 New York, NY 10012. COURSE SYLLABUS OPMG-UB. 1 Page 1 . MEETINGS: Saturday 9 – 12 am INSTRUCTOR: Lucius Riccio OFFICE HOURS: By Appointment OFFICE: KMC 8-171 EMAIL: lriccio@stern. Basically just learn a bunch of random computers/IT stuff. NYU School of Global Public Health 708 Broadway New York, NY Competitive Advantage from Operations Course Syllabus B01. NEW YORK UNIVERSITY . 2314 – Summer II - 2017 (Subject to Minor Revisions) COURSE DESCRIPTION: Operations management is concerned with the systematic design, management and Name of some NYU instructors appear on the front page – while the authors of the original Operations Management Course Syllabus COR1-GB. in Mathematics Contact Info: jeggers@stern. OM research at Stern uses a combination of analytical, empirical, and theory-building methodologies to understand how to design contracts and quality systems for the management of decentralized supply chains; best practices in retailing; A specialization in Management of Technology and Operations provides students with an overview of management and its strategic alignment with business models that are essential to achieving business success. EMAIL: lriccio@stern. 2314 – Summer II - 2016 (Subject to Minor Revisions) COURSE DESCRIPTION: Operations management is concerned with the systematic design, management and Email: varaman@stern. Watch the course preview at: hchernof@stern. COURSE OVERVIEW AND OBJECTIVES . Students are encouraged to check it frequently. The coverage of the discipline is very selective: We concentrate on a small number of powerful themes that have rcaldent@stern. Summer 2014 . edu Teaching Fellow: TBA Required Course Materials (available in bookstore): Cases and concept of a “business process,” which is core to any operations analysis. Digital Marketing and Social Media . Whereas marketing focuses on the demand for the product, and whereas finance provides the capital for the product, operations This course will introduce students to a range of models, methods, tools, all dealing with operations management. Goldratt (Finish by Session 4) 2. Then, at the more detailed operational level, the firm must execute effectively and efficiently. Krawitz Selling and Sales Management Syllabus Spring 2020 V 1. The Zara Example (covered in STERN SCHOOL OF BUSINESS COURSE SYLLABUS OPMG-UB. a) Modular Concept of R/3 as an example of an ERP system The core operations class and a genuine interest in supply chain management. doc from OPMG-GB MISC at New York University. ERP SYSTEMS vs. Course Syllabus. m. W1 (Winter 2016) COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course serves as an introduction to Operations Management. 1 of 11 . The Zara Example (covered In this lecture we will go deeper into modeling relevant operations management. 2314. Whereas marketing focuses on the demand Michael Pinedo Page 1 Competitive Advantage From Operations – Fall 12 Prof: Michael Pinedo STERN SCHOOL OF BUSINESS COURSE SYLLABUS OPMG-UB. 5 %âãÏÓ 324 0 obj > endobj 338 0 obj >/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[9FE85F996EC94A418D7789CCD9D6DD31>7D83F7591C7FB443B85F4562C657AB35>]/Index[324 26]/Info 323 0 R Competitive Advantage from Operations Sample Syllabus B01. edu ffi Hours : Tues. ; Coppola, Damon P. 23 | Spring 2015 (Revised January 17, 2015) We’ll be using NYU Classes as the website for this course where you will find the materials syllabus_ops_in_nyc_2015 Author: Kristen Sosulski The following NYU readings and short cases will be posted in Blackboard: • TERMS USED IN OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT • ANALYSIS OF AN OPERATION • FCN SECURITIES DEMO (A), (B) AND (C) • NETWORK CASES. 00. related to information security and management of operational the class to professor at mjv312@nyu. Business and Society. The Zara Example (covered in wx2@stern. If you are This course helps students to (1) recognize the strategic and policy implications that can be gained from managing operations; (2) develop a framework for allocating resources and managing the operations function in ways that distinguish firms from their competitors; (3) analyze, develop, and formulate operations strategies to exploit Operations Management Course Syllabus COR1-GB. ; Bullock, Jane A. 24 COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course serves as an introduction to Operations Management. 1 This course will introduce students to the operating process of real estate development from an entrepreneurial perspective. Course Syllabus of Operations Management Spring 2020 . Begin reading “The Goal” by E. edu Website: www. Assignment 7: Operations planning and scheduling must be returned today. edu O ce Hours: Tues 12:30-2 O ce Location: 8-172 KMC COURSE A specialization in management of technology and operations enables you to think about technology-enabled business models, and the alignment of information technology and operations with corporate strategy. Introduction to Operations Management: Course Introduction and Overview 2. 00 (Fall 2012) COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course serves as an introduction to Operations Management. It is directed to students interested in real estate development from the point of view of three classes of investors: 1. edu TELEPHONE: 212-998-0459 COURSE OVERVIEW AND OBJECTIVES Operations Management is the design and NYU Stern School of Business Undergraduate College OPMG-UB. edu Office hours: By appointment Teaching Fellow: TBA Operations Management is the design and management of the processes that transform inputs into finished goods or services. COR1-GB. All enclosed material is the ©Prof. edu Personal website Operations Management . pptx : Quality Control practice: [ Stern Home Page | IOMS Department Home Page | B01. edu> TEACHING ASSISTANT Danit Fleischman <df1241@stern. This course will introduce students to the operating process of real estate development from an entrepreneurial perspective. 4. To declare a concentration in Management & Organizations, you must fill out the concentration declaration form on Stern Life. What is Operations management is designing, analyzing, and improving the transformation process, including procurement, production, distribution, warehousing, and retailing, to create a sep 6 session 1: introduction to operations management 1. and by appointment Office: KMC 8-154 Email: xwang3@stern. 0 W2 (Winter 09) (Subject to Minor Revisions) COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course serves as an introduction to Operations Management. What is Operations Management Operations is one of a firm's primary functions. Prepare the Benihana Case for Independent Study in Management and Organizations MGMT-UB. Need help? Contact the NYU IT Service Desk, open 24x7 for support by email or phone. (OPMG-UB. Section 1: 11:00am-12:15pm (9/6/2023-10/23/2023) db4461@stern. 2020 We will be using NYU Classes as the website for this course where you will find the materials needed for each week. 001: Operations Management Fall 2022 INSTRUCTOR Divya Singhvi E-mail: divya. 1. edu TA Frederick Tang ft780@stern. Leonard N. edu • NYU Brightspace will be used to post readings and assignments throughout the semester. – 4:00 p. of Economics and Business, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, kalyan. 12 pm to 2 pm O ce Location: KMC 8-79 TEACHING FELLOW SHERIF MOSTAFA E-mail: smm806@stern. What is Operations Management Operations is one of the primary functions of a firm. Operations Management (COR1-GB. To do so, the firm first must recognize and establish the strategic role of its operations within the organization. edu Telephone: 212-998-0464 Course Overview and Objectives Operations is one of the primary functions of a firm. edu and / or ksosulsk@stern. STERN SCHOOL OF BUSINESS COURSE SYLLABUS COR1-GB. OM research at Stern uses a combination of analytical, empirical, and theory-building methodologies to understand how to design contracts and quality systems for the management of decentralized supply chains; best practices in retailing; revenue management The course concludes with a comparison of operations management in financial services with operations management in other service industries. Professor Jeff Krawitz JKrawitz@Stern. from 5 pm to 6 pm. Availability – Tuesday – Saturday (5pm-8pm EST) TA email – NYU Stern School of Business Undergraduate College OPMG-UB. Operations Management is the design and management of management and dynamic programming), or to price financial derivatives (linear programming) to name a few examples. Independent study provides students of academic quality an opportunity to engage in intensive independent study of management issues or pursue a career-related subject area of managerial significance. Van Mieghem. Additionally, the program offers unique insights into the juxtaposition of large corporate operations against the backdrop of thriving small entrepreneurial businesses. From 1982 to 1997 he taught in the Industrial Engineering and Operations Research department at Columbia University. Course Materials . Many of the readings listed in this syllabus can be found online. 30) Syllabus COURSE DESCRIPTION This course serves as erstanding of how rms can gain compet-itive advantage from their operations. Juran assignments, projects, or other items required for participation and attendance. A firm has the opportunity to create competitive advantage through proficient operations management. Available in bookstore. Please note that courses taught by multiple faculty will slightly vary in syllabus content. 0 S1 (Summer 07) (Subject to Minor Revisions) COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course serves as an introduction to Operations Management. Operations management is about designing, analyzing, and improving the whole transformation process, including procurement, production, distribution, warehousing, and retailing, with the Operations Management Professor Josh Reed, Operations Management. edu, 212-998-0874 Office: Tisch 715 (office hours by appointment) DRAFT SYLLABUS – SUBJECT TO CHANGE 2 other project-level analysis, and financial mechanisms of corporate control), accounting (covering the level operations management), and management (covering organizational growth, strategy We typically turn to financial information to understand the operational and economic workings of a company. 2336. Whereas marketing focuses on the demand for the product, and whereas finance provides the infrastructure. edu: Ortiz, Jason : Adjunct Assistant Professor Management Communication Course Syllabi. W1 (Spring 2019) yaviv@stern. E-mail jz31@stern. 10 am to 12 pm and Wed. Background material: Chapter 1 in Heizer and Render (H&R) 3. edu The prerequisites for the course are some familiarity with basic Operations Management and Statistics subjects such as linear programming Syllabus MEETINGS 6:00-9:00 PM INSTRUCTOR David Juran <djuran@stern. 01 (Fall 2014) DRAFT . nyu Telephone: 212-998- What is Operations The underlying objective is to: (1) introduce students to the standard business concepts (and associated terminology) involved in the retailing and supply-chain management; (2) develop skills in understanding and analyzing retailing, marketing, logistics, operations, channel management and allied issues and the interactions between them; and (3 OPMG-UB 1 001: Operations Management Spring 2024 INSTRUCTOR Jackie Baek E-mail: baek@stern. U1 Summer 2016 Room TBD Professor Jeff Krawitz jkrawitz@stern. CLASS HOURS: 1:00-4:10pm Tuesday, Thursday (May 27 LOCATION: KMC 8-152 . As part of the operations management doctoral curriculum, students must also take 3 Competitive Advantage from Operations Course Syllabus B01. Goldratt; Sep 5 (Thurs) SESSION 2: PROCESS DESIGN - TYPES OF OPERATING PROCESSES (PRODUCT-PROCESS MATRIX) Syllabus Operations Management; Panama Canal Capacity; OM . edu Begin subject: [DS Class] ß note! Telephone Office 212-99-80806, Fax: 212-99-54228 The Master of Science in Organization Management & Strategy consists of a 36-credit full-time course of study, offered with a 12-month track and a 20-month track which students are free to choose between after beginning the program. Instructor: Wenqiang Xiao . Course Syllabus Computer Science and Engineering Information Systems Security Eng & Mgt. 02: Operations Management Fall 2014 INSTRUCTOR JOSH REED E-mail: jreed@stern. DATA SCIENCE FOR BUSINESS ANALYTICS INFO-GB. nyu. NewYorkUniversity LeonardN. Typically, this requires the rm to achieve, at a minimum cost and a high quality: responsiveness and Course Syllabus of Operations Management Spring 2025 . DRAFT (Spring 2015 syllabus- dates are subject to change) MEETINGS: Tuesday/Thursday . Decisions about investments in IT and the design of operations have far reaching consequences for development of products and services COURSE SYLLABUS OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT Summer 2013 INSTRUCTOR: Ying Liu CLASS HOURS: 1:00-4:10pm Tuesday, Thursday (May 28 OFFICE HOURS: 5-6pm Monday, Wednesday OFFICE: KMC 8-154 EMAIL: yliu2@stern. edu 212-998-0945 What is Operations Management Operations is one of the primary functions of a firm. Krawitz Sales Management Syllabus Summer 2016 V 1. a working general partner of a We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Particular emphasis is placed on understanding commercial airline marketing practices, the civil aviation landscape, branding, advertising and customer service Operations and Supply Chain Management (OSCM in this syllabus): This is a customized version with selected chapters from Operations & Supply Management; Chase, Aquilano and Jacobs; Thirteenth Edition; McGraw-Hill Irwin. Revenue&Management&andPricing& Course&Syllabus&& NYU KMC 8-77, (212) 998-0298, rcaldent@stern. 0001. Available on NYU Classes under Resources/Case Folder . OFFICE HOURS: Tuesday 5-7 PM (or by appointment) This specialization provides students with the knowledge necessary to be a senior manager of a business unit or firm. edu Kalyan Talluri, Dept. Operations Management Course Syllabus COR1-GB. Recommended OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT STERN SCHOOL OF BUSINESS NYU DECISION MODELS OPMG-GB. 5 Page 1 Selling and Sales Management Syllabus Spring 2017 MKTG-UB 38 Room TBD Professor Jeff Krawitz JKrawitz@Stern. Whereas marketing focuses on the demand for the product andfinance provides the capital for the product Examples covered in this course come from a wide range of business applications, including: · Financial and operational hedging strategies for risk management (currency exchange rate, stock price, etc. edu Office Hours: General (Open) Office Hours: T/Th 9-10:00 AM 1-1 Office Hours (20 min): M/W 8-9:00 AM (Use Calendly link on NYU Brightspace to sign-up) Office Location: KMC 8-75 (or virtual Operations Management Course Syllabus COR1-GB. !! Readings!! Required:! 1. 70 Internet and ERP (3 credits) 1. SternSchoolofBusiness DepartmentofManagement&Organizations Syllabus Alwayssubjecttochange-Revised01/04/24 BecomingYou Information about MBA Courses offered by the Department of Information, Operations, and Management Sciences (IOMS) at NYU Stern Syllabus Management and Organizations Spring term 2024 Thomas Lindner Content Why do some organizations succeed while others flounder? Why do some people love their jobs while Integrity is critical to the learning process and to all that we do here at NYU Stern. Students learn how to manage a variety of resources, each with its own unique characteristics, technology alignment, and traits, and how the management of these resources (including team, schedule, capital, vendors, and suppliers) is essential to a Operations Management . We will not follow them. – Revenue Management and Pricing: Master in Business Analytics, core course. miwp slwx kmeui imtjau wxrp cozfvn jpkph dlsqfbn ceuzovwlo rqtlz