Scp 616 aircraft A GPS tracking device is affixed to SCP-3205's locker to aid retrieval in case of accident. En outre Enregistrement partiel de l'Entretien M : Le sujet était à bord du cinquième vol habité de SCP-616 par la Fondation, et le premier vol sans occurrence de [DONNÉES SUPPRIMÉES]. It is unknown where SCP-616 artifacts come from or how they are made, but it is theorized that SCP-616 may have something to do with certain anomalous humanoids. Note: Clauses 616 and 617 of SCP-6987-0. This bioweapon converts all organic matter into instances of SCP-610, and spreads by physical contact. There's probably nothing in area 51 since literally everyone knows about it. SCP616 's model had various internal. wikidot. nsn 5999-01-616-6485 part SCP2610-1 information, pricing, and availability. Glass: Do you want some water before we continue? Or perhaps something to eat? I know you've had a long day. Hangar is monitored remotely by Foundation operated cameras to prevent possible contact. SCP インタビューaの部分ログ: 対象はscp-616が財団の注意を引いたフライトにおけるたった一人の生存した乗客だった。 グラス博士: 続ける前に、何か水でも飲まれますか? FLEETS Ohio-Class Nuclear Powered Submarine's Yasen-Class Submarine's USS-Zumwalt Destroyer's (DDG-1000) Fridtjof Nansen-Class Frigate's Any Littorial Combat Ship Gerald R Ford-Class Aircraft Carrier's (CVN-78) 特別収容プロトコル: scp-616-jp-j-1が発生した場合、即座に職場環境の見直し、ふかふかの布団、可愛い猫ちゃん(アレルギー所持のscp-616-jp-j-1にはぬいぐるみ)、2泊3日の温泉旅行を与えてください。もう限界なんです。 [[module CSS]] [[module Rate]] Объект №: SCP-616 Класс объекта: Кетер [/keter] Особые условия содержания: SCP-616 должен находиться в Зоне . Mentre si trova a terra, è permesso al personale addetto alle riparazioni con livello di autorizzazione due (2) o superiore di entrare nel velivolo per condurre approfondite ispezioni pre-volo, per assicurarsi che SCP-616 sia pronto per il decollo. was a Boeing engineer right? Would he have been capable of landing the aircraft? [REDACTED]: is capable of everything! He opened the door to Paradise! Despite the various alterations, the most important feature of the aircraft is its central left emergency door, which has been dubbed SCP-616-1. SCP-616 is a prototype Boeing airplane. --- ! Disclaimer ! The ev scp-995の脱走、scp-616の開放、scp-098(なお現在のscp-098ではなく悪魔のような存在のこと)の活動とともにこの出来事が起こったため、財団はxk-クラス世界終焉シナリオへの準備を早急に行わなければなりません。scp-076とscp-073は直ちに確保される予定です。 The act of the door closing while SCP-616-1 is active appears to cause some sort of unspecified cataclysmic event. Classe : Keter Procédures de Confinement Spéciales : SCP-616 doit être gardé au Site [SUPPRIMÉ]. 지상에 있을 때, 2등급 이상의 수리 요원 2명이 기내에 진입하여, scp-616이 비행을 위한 준비가 되어있음을 확인하기 위해 철저한 비행 전 점검을 실시하여야 한다. Description: SCP-6161 is a cake knife, measuring 23 cm in length and made of steel. scp-616이 착륙해 있을 때 scp-616-1은 별 다른 문제 없이 비행기 밖으로 통하지만, scp-616-1을 통과하거나 연 모든 인원이 극심한 근심에 빠지거나 지속적으로 감시당하고 있다는 기분에 휩싸이기 때문에 scp-616-1을 통과하는 것은 추천하지 않는다. Furthermore, Dr. Although general arrangement and internal workings are highly variable between instances, each specimen contains a single, genetically cephalopodic eye of varying size in its Apr 11, 2023 · SCP 616 is a Keter Class anomaly also known as The Vessel and the Gate. Also, the smoke-and-mirrors tactic to containment may play a role in any aspects of the procedure that seem outwardly unnecessary. The United States Paranatural Warfare Command (GoI-616), commonly dubbed PENTAGRAM, is the top secret occult division of the United States Department of Defense. Bonne écoute à tous !| Œu – Listen to SCP-616 - Le Vaisseau et la Porte - STORIES by CONTES SCP - Au-delà des archives instantly on your tablet, phone or browser - no downloads needed. i | ii | iii | iv | v | vi. scp 재단 한국어 위키의 번역 규정 및 전문 용어 모음을 참고하여 문서를 편집하시길 바랍니다. Объекты по категориям. Aug 29, 2024 · The aircraft's emergency door autonomously opens every thirty days, causing an aperture to form with it. Branca Italiana. Addendum 616-01 : Illustration 616-1 [DONNÉES SUPPRIMÉES] Addendum 616-02 : La charge qu'avait le Dr. Mackenzie's Containment Protocols - Informal guidelines for writing plausible and concise Special Containment Procedures for SCP articles. 99 Followers, 199 Following, 0 Posts - 퐌퐚퐭퐭퐡퐞퐰 (@scp_616) on Instagram: "I miss you @r ! I'm not good at lying I love cats" アイテム番号: SCP-616-JPオブジェクトクラス: Neutralizedauthor: amamielhttp://ja. Dec 21, 2013 · #scp_all SCP-616 - Plane and Gate<br><br>Object No. The model is a Boeing 737-200. CDC is probably fairly close as they seek to contain and counter various dangerous pathogens and they keep them alive to research them. Jan 14, 2013 · [[module ForumThread]] I just found the best scp series on youtube. SCP-616-1 should be kept from closing at all costs once activated. Site-46, located near Area-44, is currently designated as the containment facility for SCP-616, with the necessary hangars and runways for executing SCP-616's containment procedures also established. They are responsible for defending the US against anomalous threats from abroad using eigenweapons, the occult, thaumaturgy and other anomalous technologies along with non-anomalous equipment and methods. 692K subscribers in the SCP community. The Foundation prefers keeping SCPs intact but they will neutralize SCPs on occasions for various reasons. the Mobile Task Forces mainly use aircraft. Apr 10, 2022 · SCP Orientation is an archive of files of the SCP Foundation. [REDACTED]: N-no, nothing. For example, the foundation has given authorization for neutralization of SCP-682, and SCP-96. When an entity attempts to damage SCP-516, SCP-516-1 will track and fire on it if it is physically possible to neutralise the threat, regardless of whether SCP-516 is crewed. Mar 28, 2024 · scp-616에 요구되는 지상 정비와 주기적인 비행은 타우-99의 책임 하에 있고, 숙련된 정비사와 조종사로 이루어진 팀이 현재 제46기지에 머무르며 scp-616 격리 요원으로 복무 중이다. SCP-556 is SCP-616 is one of my least favorite articles on the wiki. Justin Mokrovich, 616th Operations Center commander, Lt. El anexo nos brinda información adicional de los origenes y efectos del evento 616, de la mano d SCPDeclassified is a unique subreddit that makes long-form explanations of the most complex works on the SCP wiki. Dr Sanders : Très bien, mon Père. Requests for testing or visitation should be sponsored or approved by Level 2 personnel or higher. Dec 28, 2024 · SCP財団日本支部、及びSCP Foundationのメインテーマ Sigma-9 は Aelanna 氏によって制作され、クリエイティブ・コモンズ・ライセンス 表示-継承 3. true Nov 17, 2022 · Observation of SCP-615 in the wild has shown that it feeds off of discarded and dead plant matter. SCP616 's model had various internal alteration Item #: SCP-1759. Special Containment Procedures: SCP-1759 is to be locked in its guarded hangar at all time. Addendum 616-01: Illustration 616-1 [DATA EXPUNGED] Addendum 616-02: Dr. SCP-8065 Sep 30, 2024 · SCP基金会Minecraft分部 控制,收容,保护. Clasificación del Objeto: Keter. These incidents have not occurred when SCP-787 is occupied. Д-р Гласс: Хотите попить воды перед тем, как мы продолжим? Или Jan 6, 2024 · The aircraft's emergency door autonomously opens every thirty days, causing an aperture to form with it. SCP 616 is a Keter Class anomaly also known as The Vessel and the Gate. Any… วัตถุ #: SCP-616 ระดับวัตถุ: Enochian Safe มาตรการกักกันพิเศษ: ให้เก็บ ตำราเวทหุ้มหนัง หนังสือปกแข็งซึ่งบันทึก SCP-616 ไว้ บนแท่นบูชาแห่งความมืด ในล็อคเกอร์เก็บ アイテム番号: SCP-616-J オブジェクトクラス: Enochian Safe 特別収容プロトコル: SCP-616を含む ミンチ肉の大きな本 ハードカバーの本は 闇の祭壇の上に サイト19の標準的なSafeクラスの封じ込めロッカーに保存されています。 nsn 5999-01-616-6334 part SCP2610-11 information, pricing, and availability. SCP-616-1 can be opened without major incident when grounded, and leads to the outside of the aircraft as expected. It’s based on a foundation worker called Watch who has to interview scps. En tierra, personal de mantenimiento de nivel 2 o superior tendrá permitido el acceso a la nave, y deben de llevar a cabo inspecciones para asegurarse que SCP-616 está preparado para el vuelo. **Description:** SCP-556 is the recovered wreckage of Varig cargo flight PP-VLU, a Boeing 707-323C that crashed approximately 320 km east-northeast of Tokyo, Japan on January 30, 1979. Tharantho (MIKA4) : http Oct 13, 2023 · 我らが終わらせた夢物語は、あの少女ひとりだけの物語ではなかった。作者: amamielソース: http://scp-jp. 그러나 수리 요원은 scp-616-1로부터 최소 3m의 거리를 SCP Orientation is an archive of files of the SCP Foundation. Acting as the Foundation's miniature air force, Sigma-9 provides critical support to ground operations through close air support, aerial reconnaissance, and the neutralization of airborne anomalies. The craft meets standard specifications. I think that's really all there is to it. scp-616-1로 명명된 비상구 하나가 한달에 한번씩 자동으로 열리고 서서히 닫히는데, 이 문이 착륙한 상태에서 닫히면 케테르 급의 사태가 벌어지는 듯 하다. Hub della Branca Italiana; Gruppi di Interesse It’s not the entrance to Hell in the religious sense. sur SCP-616 lui a été enlevée et n'est pas autorisé à modifier personnellement les documents de la Fondation. nsn 6130-01-616-3383 part SCP1326 information, pricing, and availability. No entanto, os Mar 30, 2024 · SCP-616 Containment Maintenance Operation. If the aircraft is unable to complete this requirement, SCP-3205 is to be transferred to an aircraft with a similar schedule for the duration. However, SCP-617's most disturbing aspects are its parasitical tendencies as well as its ability to influence human behavior. Object Class: Euclid. 면담 a의 단편 기록: 대상은 scp-616을 재단으로 운항하는 과정에서 유일하게 살아남은 승객이었다. Only the passangers can stop it by keeping its emergency door open. When SCP-6161 is used to cut an object, it is capable of slicing through any material with ease. com/scp-616-jp作成 A commercial airplane host an anomalous phenomenon mid flight. Objects cut by SCP-6161 will transform into instances of SCP-6161-1. 当時、scp-616-jp-a-1はscp-616-jpのストーカー被害 2 申請の対応時に精神作用の影響を受け、自身の上司に「scp-616-jpに対する身辺警護を実施すべきである」と直談判を行いました。結果として、その異常行動が潜入エージェントの目に留まり、scp-616-jpの発見に Jul 2, 2018 - The SCP Foundation's 'top-secret' archives, declassified for your enjoyment. В настоящее время scp-617-1, scp-617-2 и scp-617-3 находятся на содержании. has been removed from SCP-616 duty, and is no longer allowed to personally alter Foundation documentation. Sarah Mashburn, the incoming 616 ACOMS commander, and Lt. However, the original version was very badly written and the drafts are sort of trying to polish a turd, so the current version of 616 is a little confusing. Jul 11, 2022 · 616 ACOMS Change of Command. Aug 5, 2011 · Форум » Обсуждение и знакомство » Обсуждение отдельных страниц » scp-616 - Самолёт и Врата Создатель: system Дата: 13:51 05. Our declassifications both summarize the article as well as narratively explain and analyze its moving parts and thematic elements to enrich your reading experience. . #SCP-616の小説、SSは件投稿されています。pixivに登録して#SCP-616の2次小説、ショートストーリーの他、さまざまな作品との出会いを楽しみましょう。 Feb 18, 2021 · Item #: SCP-C616 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-C616 is contained in standard windowless humanoid containment chamber C8-W9616 in Site-17. SCP-5008 itself is contained in Sector 231 of the Thaumiel Wing of Site-01, which has been adapted from its original purpose as an aircraft hangar to store SCP-5008. SCP-8065: DBK-Class Complete Database Loss Scenario: The SCP Foundation database is completely lost, and unable to be restored without recreating the files from scratch, or at all. SCP-616 is a prototype Boeing airplane. This area is marked as off-limits on all regional maps, and any civilian ships or aircraft attempting to enter the area must be waved off. It should be timed so that SCP-616-1 opens in mid-flight, at an altitude of approximately 10,972 m and a speed of about 780 km/h. gg/YmDWBfMhttp://fondationscp. 72 cm in height. La vidéo d'aujourd'hui n'est pas vraiment un conte SCP, mais une adaptation de notre vidéo. Despite the various alterations, the most important feature of SCP-616 is the center left emergency door, which has been dubbed SCP-616-1. It's in the text for SCP-616 , and seems to reference some way to prevent a disaster associated with the uncontrolled activation of SCP-616-1. Description: SCP-1745 is an intangible Soviet helicopter Oct 13, 2023 · 我らが終わらせた夢物語は、あの少女ひとりだけの物語ではなかった nsn 5999-01-616-6339 part SCP2610-10 information, pricing, and availability. At all times, the unit furthest from SCP-1745 must broadcast while all others remain silent. net/scp-616-jpコンテンツ及び本動画は nsn 5999-01-616-6305 part SCP2610-12 information, pricing, and availability. Un extraño evento se desarrolla a medio vuelo de un prototipo de avion comercial. Все три объекта были помещены в одну камеру для наблюдения путей размножения, общения и конкуренции. Today we will be studying Item number SCP-616: The Vessel and the Gate, Object class: Keter. Highly stringet containment procedures since some are near-Keter. It will not respond to threats outside its range or traverse, such as aircraft. Mackenzie's Common SCP Pitfalls - A list of common pitfalls experienced by new authors during the conceptualization and drafting stage of a new SCP. After each incident, SCP-998 repairs itself using anomalous means, restoring any damage sustained during its attacks. Enquanto estiver pousado, agentes da manutenção, de nível 2 (dois) ou acima são autorizados a entrar no ofício, e devem realizar inspeções completas para determinar se SCP-616 está pronto para o voo. 0(CC BY-SA 3. Both telescopic and satellite-based observation of SCP-1745 must be maintained continuously. Una puerta se abre, y los pasajeros tienen que haer lo que esté en su poder Description: SCP-626 is a metallic structure, approx. ” Apr 26, 2024 · Personnel handling SCP-6161 are to only touch the object's hilt, avoiding the blade. [[module ForumThread]] Partial log of Interview A: Subject was only surviving passenger aboard the flight that brought SCP-616 to the Foundation's attention. : SCP-616<br>Object class: Keter<br><br>Special Containment Procedures: SCP-616 must be in Zone. This event can be considered the activation of SCP-616-1. Quand il est à terre, le personnel d'entretien disposant d'une accréditation de niveau deux (2) ou plus est autorisé à pénétrer dans l'appareil, et doit conduire une série d'inspections pré-vol pour s'assurer que SCP-616 est prêt à voler. Literature. While it appears as a standard emergency door, SCP-616-1 is partially covered in extensive markings associated with Satanic cults. SCP-615 will roam its territory, absorbing discarded plant matter from the ground and adding it to its own mass. Let's begin. scp-2556 격리 유지 작전 When loaded with compatible 100mm ammunition SCP-516-1 exhibits a limited degree of autonomy. Special Containment Procedures: SCP-616 is housed and maintained at Site 8-1 or at a qualifying backup airfield meeting the specifications set forth in Document Ez-7:2. Jul 28, 2021 · SCP-616-1 is a standard emergency door, though partially covered in extensive markings associated with Satanic cults adhering to [REDACTED]. Any breach by SCP-1745 constitutes the immediate implementation of Contingency-Gorynych-A. 2011 Share your thoughts, experiences, and stories behind the art. nsn 6130-01-616-3661 part SCP2477 information, pricing, and availability. Glass):继续之前,不喝些水吗?或者吃点什么?我知道你今天真够呛。我办公桌里存了些点心,请随意。 【编辑】:不必了。 Nov 14, 2011 · 应使scp-616与其同步,使scp-616-1约在海拔10972米、780公里时速的飞行途中开启。 时机不当将导致灾难性的后果。 SCP-616-1在着陆期间的完全关闭将波及到附近的所有生命形式(作用半径尚不明确),引发成百上千的【资料删除】,对人口密集区将是极大的威胁 알렉실바 대학교 · Are We Cool Yet? · 혼돈의 반란 · 시카고 스피릿 · 부서진 신의 교단 · 다에바 문명 · 원더테인먼트 박사 · 대마초를 반대하는 게이머들 · 세계 오컬트 연합 · 총참모부 정보총국 "P" 부서 · 허먼 풀러의 불온한 서커스 · 대일본제국 이상사례조사국 · 유한회사 마셜, 카터 & 다크 Translations in context of "pilot SCP-616" in English-Spanish from Reverso Context: In addition, one (1) Foundation agent trained in flying commercial aircraft is to pilot SCP-616 through a pre-designed flight path, and must be able to maintain radio contact and information of events in SCP-616. 08. Oct 20, 2022 · SCP-617's mouth is fully functional, and can vocalize sounds as well as be used to consume food. 应使scp-616与其同步,使scp-616-1约在海拔10972米、780公里时速的飞行途中开启。 时机不当将导致灾难性的后果。 SCP-616-1在着陆期间的完全关闭将波及到附近的所有生命形式(作用半径尚不明确),引发成百上千的[数据删除],对人口密集区将是极大的威胁,此时应 Bonjour à tous, voici le première épisode de notre série de conte SCP. As a result, SCP-615 tends to inhabit areas thickly populated with vegetation, such as forests and jungles. Description: SCP-616 is a suicide note, which one can usually find engraved into the walls of a cell block by the guards throwing it at the entrance of 13 votes, 29 comments. Item #: SCP-616. These are just some random screenshots (swipe) to give you an idea. #scp-616のイラストやマンガは1件、#scp-616の小説、ssは0件投稿されています。 #SCP-616と一緒に付けられている主なタグには#幸運のジーンズ、#催眠花、#SCP_Foundation、#船と門などがあります。 Jul 25, 2021 · Item #: SCP-998 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: Area 998-Alpha has been established in a 20 km radius around the estimated event location of SCP-998. SCP-6987-16: Life. Description: SCP-1759 is a 1942 Douglas A-20 Havoc bomber aircraft. An airplane-shaped SCP that should not be left unattended, but a bizarre SCP that doesn't tell you exactly what will happen if left unattended. Posted by u/memebig8 - 2 votes and 1 comment Aug 19, 2023 · About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Реакция на SCP-616-IK - "Врата ада манят любопытных" с канала @Ivan_Konstruktor. The task force is equipped with a range of advanced aircraft and weaponry, designed to engage both Translations in context of "SCP-616-1" in English-Korean from Reverso Context: SCP-616-1 can be opened without major incident when grounded, and leads to the outside of the aircraft as expected. The door must be kept from closing and timed with exact precision. x; Navigation Suchen; Best bewertete Seiten; Usergeführte Listen; Letzte Änderungen Description: SCP-616 is a phenomenon in which no matter the composition or context of an audio recording made on an SCP-616 artifact, the recorded sound will always be the same. They have put good effort in voice acting, editing, art style, and general bringing the eerie scp vibe. com/interview-616-amAuteur (original) : Pair Of DucksFONDATEUR : Dr. It was decided that this was a poor idea for an SCP, so it was rewritten. scp-616은 [편집됨] 기지에 보관하여야 한다. SCP-616-1 is a standard emergency door, though partially covered in On flight days, only ordained and believing ministers of an Abrahamic faith with security clearance of level four or above may enter the aircraft, and must remain at least 0. SCP-616 só poderá ser realizado pelos Grandes Feiticeiros funcionários com credenciais de Nov 4, 2024 · 일련번호: scp-416-ko 등급: 안전 특수 격리 절차: 3일마다 한 명의 경비원이 scp-416-ko의 영향 범위를 수색하며, 동물의 시체가 있지 않은지 확인한다. Brent Roper, outgoing 616 ACOMS commander stand at attention during a change of command ceremony at Joint Base San Antonio-Kelly Field, Texas, July 8, 2022. Всем приятного просмотра! Чтобы Intro Salutations everyone, i'm here at the forums once again to bring you another suggestion so without any further ado. Oct 8, 2022 · Description: SCP-1661 consists of a swarm of self-replicating automata composed primarily of aircraft components, assembled in a random and seemingly nonfunctional manner. 4 guns are SCP Foundation auf Deutsch. Item nº: SCP-616 Classe do Objeto: Keter Nome do SCP: O Receptáculo e o Portão Procedimentos Especiais de Contenção: SCP-616 é para ser mantido na área [REDIGIDO]. Elemento #: SCP-616 Classe Oggetto: Keter Procedure Speciali di Contenimento: SCP-616 dev'essere conservato al Sito [CANCELLATO]. アイテム番号: SCP-616 オブジェクトクラス: Keter 特別収容プロトコル: SCP-616はサイト[編集済]に保存されることになっています。 SCP-616が離陸可能な状態であることを確かめるために、停泊中ならばクリアランスレベル2以上の整備職員は機内に入ることができ、また徹底的な飛行前点検を行わ 43 votes, 12 comments. While SCP-626 appears to be made of some sturdy material, it has very low mass for its volume, possibly indicating that it is hollow. While grounded, maintenance personnel with Miller-level clearance are permitted to enter the aircraft, and are to conduct maintenance and Jun 16, 2024 · Nothing in our testing seems to indicate the plane is capable of landing on its own. Following the boarding of individuals afflicted with SCP-5790 and takeoff, SCP-616 begins to ascend further upwards, causing loss of controls in the cabin. 94 m (3 ft 1 in) from the threshold of SCP-616-1 at all times whilst the craft is grounded. Secure, Contain, Protect | Official subreddit of the SCP Wiki collaborative-fiction… Sep 2, 2023 · scp-616-1と命名された非常口1つが月に1回ずつ自動的に開かれて徐々に閉じられるが、この扉が着陸した状態で閉じればケテル級の事態が起こるようだ。 SCP-616 Containment Maintenance Operation. scp-wiki. 최초 격리 후 50여 년간 명이 작전 수행 중 순직했다. SCP616 's model had various internal alterations, including [DATA EXPUNGED]. SCP-MC系列 001 - 099; 100 - 199; 200 - 299; 300 - 399; 400 - 499; 500 - 599; 600 - 699 This SCP Foundation wiki reading is about SCP 616 "The Vessel", a prototype Boeing - , airplane designed by and constructed in 16/06/196 Объект №: scp-616-v Класс объекта: Кетер Особые условия содержания: Только рукоположенные (и верующие) священники авраамической религии с уровнем допуска 4 или выше могут исследовать дверь, причём только с расстояния не Compilation of extracted CSS styles on the SCP Wiki Nov 29, 2021 · Visual apparitions, unexplained noises, and other phenomena will spontaneously manifest within SCP-787. SCP-616-1 is a standard emergency door, though partially covered in extensive markings associated with Satanic cults adhering to [REDACTED]. especially Sigma-9 “Valkyries”, from the wiki: “A miniature air force designed to provide air support for ground operations or combat against aerial anomalies. *** Пожалуйста, подпишитесь и поставьте лайк! ***Фонд SCP (SCP Foundation; Special Containment Procedures — «Особые nsn 5999-01-616-6332 part SCP2610-20 information, pricing, and availability. The speed at which SCP-616-1 closes is highly dependent on SCP-616's altitude, velocity, and enthusiasm towards early completion of the Third Five-Year Plan. 采访A的部分记录:采访对象是登机旅客中唯一的生还者,这一点让SCP-616引起了基金会的注意。 格拉斯博士(Dr. Attempts to enter SCP-787 after these events will result in violent physical expulsion from SCP-787 by an unknown force, accompanied by severe organ damage and internal bleeding. [DATA EXPUNGED] therefore cleaning staff must be kept on standby throughout the entire duration of SCP-616. Entry Page: 610 - 11 Apr 2009 Item #: SCP-217-KO Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: Considering what position SCP-217-KO holds in the minds of the people of the United States, the belief that the object has already been dismantled must be continuously imprinted on the public, justifying its dismantlement by emphasizing the large-scale defense budget cuts of the United States, and its inability to store nsn 5999-01-616-6357 part SCP2610-7 information, pricing, and availability. Tau-99 is responsible for the ground maintenance and periodic flights required for SCP-616. If you have an SCP, myth, Ritual Creepypasta, or other type of scary story you would like me to read, I can absolutely squeeze the Sep 14, 2022 · The main body of SCP-1264 is made of five WWII era war ships that were used as target ships as part of the Operation Crossroads atomic bomb tests performed at the Bikini Atoll in 1946. Oct 1, 2022 · The aircraft should be scheduled to make at least two flights per week, preferably to an international destination. Unlike other military command Jan 6, 2024 · The aircraft's emergency door autonomously opens every thirty days, causing an aperture to form with it. Submit your writing 616 is confusing because it was originally a literal portal to hell. With SCP-682 the foundation want it dead so badly they are even willing to cross test it with other SCP's. Description (From the SCP wiki) SCP-998 is a MC-130E "Combat Talon" military transport formerly assigned to the United States Air Force 8th Special Operations Squadron with tail number and call sign "Blackbird One-Niner". A specially trained information security management team, acting under the supervision of O5-1, monitors and operates the device as necessary for global security purposes. The Red Death, classified as SCP-610 ("The Flesh that Hates"), is an extremely potent bioweapon developed by the Kalmaktama Empire during the War of the Flesh. A perimeter of anti-aircraft defenses is established to neutralize SCP-556 should it attempt unauthorized flight. On today's SCP we talk about the creepy story about the plane that went missing, SCP-998. is not to be referred to as "Grand I still do video requests. Dr. SCP-617 is also capable of limited movement, being able to roll around under its own power. Item nº: SCP-616 Classe do Objeto: Enoquiano Seguro Procedimentos Especiais de Contenção: Um livro de capa feita de carne um grande livro que contêm SCP-616 deverá ser mantido no altar da escuridão mantido em um armazenamento de contenção padrão no domínio da Ordem da Escuridão na Área-19. However, aside from the 2 anomalies contained above SCP-616-1-1-4, the remaining instances of SCP-616-1-4-5 could be easily modified into their desired forms by the current J-Class personnel. Sep 10, 2024 · SCP-616 Containment Maintenance Operation Site-46, located near Area-44, is currently designated as the containment facility for SCP-616, with the necessary hangars and runways for executing SCP-616's containment procedures also established. Aug 11, 2024 · SCP 616 is a Keter Class anomaly also known as The Vessel and the Gate. Glass Ítem #: SCP-616. The mystery surrounding this aircraft just keeps getting weirder an Traducciones en contexto de "de SCP-616-1" en español-inglés de Reverso Context: Si esto es debido a las propiedades de SCP-616-1 o a la propia psicología humana es desconocido. [[module CSS]][[module Rate]] Выдержки из интервью A: Субъект был единственным выжившим пассажиром на борту после рейса, который привлёк внимание Фонда к SCP-616 [/scp-616]. Apr 24, 2024 · SCP-998's primary mode of operation involves crashing into SCP sites in a manner reminiscent of the events of 9/11, causing significant damage and casualties among contained anomalies and fictional entities. Object Class: Keter. I can deliver and have delivered long rants on the subject of my issues with 616, but I'll… scp 재단의 문서를 번역하거나 참고한 문서입니다. [[module ForumThread]] Traducciones en contexto de "SCP-616" en inglés-español de Reverso Context: All personnel involved in the repairs, observation, operation, or flight of SCP-616 must submit to psychological evaluations after each period of exposure. On the ground, technicians with a tolerance level of at least two (2) may enter the aircraft and are required to perform a thorough pre-flight inspection to ensure that SCP-616 is ready for departure. Today we will be studying Item number SCP-556: Painted Aircraft, Object class: Euclid. Procedimientos Especiales de Contención: SCP-616 debe de mantenerse en el Sitio [CENSURADO]. 616 is a portal to somewhere else that, if allowed to complete its open/closing cycle uninterrupted, will potentially cause a K-Class scenario. Объект №: scp-616-j Класс объекта: Енох Безопасный Особые условия содержания: Книга в твердом переплете из человеческой плоти, содержащая в себе сведения об scp-616, должна храниться на Алтаре Тьмы в стандартном шкафчике This policy includes personal aircraft, watercraft, and magical steeds not classified as familiars. アイテム番号: SCP-616 オブジェクトクラス: Keter 特別収容プロトコル: SCP-616はサイト[編集済]に保存されることになっています。 SCP-616が離陸可能な状態であることを確かめるために、停泊中ならばクリアランスレベル2以上の整備職員は機内に入ることができ、また徹底的な飛行前点検を行わ Objet n o: SCP-616. The following ships that make up SCP-1264 were confirmed to have sunk after the tests: USS Saratoga (CV-3): Lexington-class Aircraft Carrier [DONNÉES SUPPRIMÉES] donc le personnel de nettoyage doit être tenu en attente pendant toute la durée de SCP-616. Mobile Task Force Sigma-9, codenamed "Valkyries," is the SCP Foundation's elite aerial task force. Apr 23, 2018 · DISCORD : https://discord. During any maintenance, personnel shall not Feb 6, 2020 · 附录616-03 :涉及SCP-616的采访记录可见于文档Interview 616-AM(采访记录616-AM)。 【SCP-616档案 CP3】 注 :须4级或以上人员批准 目前的管理规程已详细描述了以亚伯拉罕信仰和祈祷阻止SCP-616-1关闭的必要性,然而这实际上都是一派胡言。 Continuamos explorando la anomalia 616: La Nave y La Puerta. Col. Traductions en contexte de "bord de SCP-616" en français-anglais avec Reverso Context : Les cadavres ayant un larynx intact présents à bord de SCP-616 une fois SCP-616-1 activé semblent se réanimer pour la durée du vol. vii | viii | ex | j | s | viii | ex | j | s Branca Italiana - SCP Foundation ☼ ☀. It consists of a base, which rises to a central stem supporting a sphere. I keep a few snacks here in my desk if you'd like something. 0)の元で使用されています。 Jul 2, 2018 - The SCP Foundation's 'top-secret' archives, declassified for your enjoyment. На земле технический персонал с уровнем допуска не меньше второго (2) может входить в самолёт и обязан Dec 30, 2024 · SCP-7933: CIK-Class Insurgency War Scenario: The Chaos Insurgency's main goal becomes to ensure the complete eradication or takeover of the SCP Foundation. Probably just test facility for aircraft. xyw xyng fqwmttc lfuziko sgbuth rxuhns tsqv basaxc hyowy sydy