Swift font width ios 15. custom("Georgia", size: 24, relativeTo: .

Swift font width ios 15. 0)! I am using this method.

Swift font width ios 15 The current Dynamic Type size. SF Font Width Styles. 5) 2 - second one is to use fixed-size modifier which will make the text fit into the text frame and make the text scrollable whether in vertical position or horizontal position using. Sets the Dynamic Type size within the view to the given value. It turns out that I asking for a font that didn't exist ("HelveticaNeue-Regular"). Font style doesn't work, but size works. So it makes sense that you just use the file name for the name of the font. for rounded system font, this works on iOS 15, I think you can just do . systemFontSize (this is a constant) for all text styles. horizontal) . – Jun 17, 2016 · Working Swift 4 Solution. We all have been there, and we have done it. custom(". adjustsFontSizeToFitWidth = YES; With this all labels adjust the text will size. Scale text in your interface automatically using Dynamic Type. Center As apparent in the screenshot, the font size is according to the width. font = [UIFont fontWithName:@"TrebuchetMS-Bold" size:18]; However, I'm still asking because this isn't strongly typed. 01 label?. Several of the above answers are excellent, but to summarize perhaps the optimal solution to the question as asked, Mar 23, 2017 · If you want to make the font sizes for all different sizes (and, yes, I agree, that you sometimes do want different fonts for different devices), that doesn't mean you have to set up a different font for every unique device. bold, size: 24. Lukas Würzburger. How to change font of UIButton with Swift. It helps users who need larger text for better readability. Mini, small, medium, and large button size. system (size: サイズ, weight: フォントの太さ, design: フォントタイプ)) 引数(size)でフォントのサイズを数値で指定します。 この場合、フォントのサイズは機種や設定に依存せず、指定したサイズに固定となります。 Apr 25, 2020 · You can use a really large font size and use func minimumScaleFactor(_ factor: CGFloat) to let the text shrink. Just a thought Flavours of this question crop up a lot and for a newcomer to Swift without a background in Objective-C, the solutions emerge grudgingly. width , height: 100)) RememberMe. not restricted to the preset title, headline, etc: Mar 5, 2015 · This does adjust the font size to the width, but not the height of the button. You can use below code First find name of system accepted font for your Custom font Jan 10, 2023 · This is what I was previously using for rounded font design, but this uses a fixed size font, which does not scale: Text("Hello") . let myAttribute = [ NSFontAttributeName: UIFont(name: "Chalkduster", size: 18. Aug 2, 2018 · On a UILabel or UITextField, one can set a minimum font size to which the font will shrink if it does not fit otherwise in the element. let myString = "Swift Attributed String" let myAttribute = [ NSForegroundColorAttributeName: UIColor. minimumScaleFactor seems to be being applied regardless of the size of the content. May 11, 2017 · From the documentation for adjustsFontSizeToFitWidth:. body) Sep 27, 2017 · I currently calculate the size of a string as shown below. titleTextAttributes = [NSAttributedStringKey. This does work for me, but now I can't find a way to make the font . Instead of creating a VStack, you may want to place all the figures, separated by newlines, in a single text, and fit the text to the bounding rectangle. 0 Returns a modified font that uses fixed Oct 25, 2016 · edited Dec 1, 2018 at 15:29. Several of the above answers are excellent, but to summarize perhaps the optimal solution to the question as asked, Jun 21, 2024 · If you’re using iOS 14 or later you’ll find your custom fonts scale automatically with no further work from you. Swift 3 Update: label. Deepak ios; swift; nsattributedstring; Sep 14, 2015 · How can i actually adjust the font size of a label programmatically to make the text 2,011 2 2 gold badges 15 15 silver badges 22 22 ios; objective-c; swift; Apr 18, 2018 · You cannot set the size of a UIFont. I am using minimumScaleFactor to adjust font size to the Text Width. font = label. Mar 2, 2022 · My country’s popular food delivery apps didn’t change the text size when changing the system font size. May 19, 2022 · To change the font, add the name (eg. 5. Then I’d run the code and manually set the limits for font sizes so it “works” whatever size the use chooses. x. Creating a button is a straightforward process, but it becomes problematic when it comes to customizations. blue ] let myAttrString = NSAttributedString(string: myString, attributes: myAttribute) // set attributed text on a UILabel myLabel. It also accomodates those who can read smaller text, allowing more information to appear on the screen. headline)) Mar 23, 2017 · If you want to make the font sizes for all different sizes (and, yes, I agree, that you sometimes do want different fonts for different devices), that doesn't mean you have to set up a different font for every unique device. Whenever I pass a custom font added in my app to this: let f2 = UIFont(name:"Georgia", size:20)! . You might set up different fonts for different size classes, for example, one for compact width and another for regular The answer from EliBud doesn't work on iOS 8. Catamaran. rounded) on iOS 16. I tried: Aug 23, 2021 · Buttons are an essential element in iOS apps. asked Jun 15, 2022 at 14:40. Aug 10, 2018 · Their size is based on a slider value (and also calculated in the ViewController). title) } Then you can use the type like any other: Jun 23, 2014 · This will use the same font. Text("My long text adjusted to fit width") . foregroundColor(. withSize(20) Swift 4 Update: label. 0) Edit: I have come to understand why you use the font this way. button. If you are developing an app using UIKit, you will probably use UIButton class to create buttons. For your own font, Montserrat, you have decided that it should have UIFont. font = UIFont(name: "AppleSDGothicNeo-Thin", size: 8. You'll need to unwrap them to get it to work. frame. fontName, size: 14) Change font size only with bold. How can I do this calculation for a centered string? func sizeOfString (string: String, constrainedToWidth width: Double, font: UIFont) - Jun 21, 2024 · If you’re using iOS 14 or later you’ll find your custom fonts scale automatically with no further work from you. systemFontOfSize(100) Jun 5, 2016 · These exact changes are also specified in the interface editor under the Adjust To Fit checkbox portion of the attributes inspector with a min font size of 6. Aug 20, 2010 · Here's something I came up with after applying a few principles other SO posts, including Aaron's link: AnnotationPin *myAnnotation = (AnnotationPin *)annotation Nov 23, 2021 · I have many Text in View and text font size should calculate based on screen size. 0)) . adjustsFontSizeToFitWidth = true label?. titleLabel label?. Here's what I have: Aug 5, 2021 · @StephenKaiser . adjustsFontSizeToFitWidth = true letterLabel. minimumScaleFactor(0. For adjust button to titleLabel use auto layout constraint for titleLabel. . May 10, 2020 · If for example your figma designs had a particular font of 16 pt with a line height of 32 pt: let font = UIFont(name: "SomeFont", size: 16)! return Text("Some Text") . numberOfLines = 0; self. Normally, the label text is drawn with the font you specify in the font property. boldSystemFontOfSize(18) Change font size only. However, if you want your fonts to scale relative to a specific Dynamic Type font, you should use the relativeTo parameter like this: Text("Scaling") . func calculateContentHeight() -&gt; CGFloat{ var maxLabelSize: CGSize = CGSizeMake(frame. Sep 21, 2017 · hey have a look at below code . For example I have this code: Text("Example text that has big space between lines") . See the code snippet in my answer, you should decide a font size for each text style, for Monsterrat. Jun 18, 2016 · I would like to change the font size of Message box title and message with Swift. 2: Oct 21, 2022 · get the size of the string using that font; calculate an aspect-fit rectangle for that size to fit in the image size; use the difference in resulting size to "scale" the base font point size; Here are the steps: Jul 2, 2021 · I am using custom font and it seems like it has big space between lines in it. In SwiftUI, using the system font text style automatically changes: Text("Something cool goes in here. For your example, you could use: label. system(size: 200)) . I created a custom extension to re-use the font created: extension Font { static var Jun 18, 2022 · Text("text of 50 word"). button?. Jul 10, 2015 · Is it possible to make a font larger than 300pt on iOS? If not, what are alternative approaches when dealing with UILabels? 1,640 15 15 silver badges 25 25 bronze Sep 21, 2015 · With auto layout you can set the space between buttons, and the max and min size. Try this. My code below is not working. 0+ macOS 13. func convertToInlineImageFormat(htmlStrr:String) -> NSMutableAttributedString { let htmlStringgg = htmlStrr as String let content = try! I wonder how I can change the font and size of title in my tabs when I use tab bar. I have spent about a month on this and repeatedly failed. Jan 3, 2022 · Make your text and views accessible for different font sizes. plist and the font modifier. Build a SwiftUI app for iOS 15 Part 3. frame(width: 30, height: 30, alignment: . I have a textView that allow user to enter NSAttributedString, convert into html string and then store into database. Aug 7, 2022 · To support text scaling, you need to configure your labels to use the preferred content size category set by the user. small; UIButton. Previously, I used setAttributedTitle and I also set AdjustsFontSizeToFitWidth to true, and the font size shrinks to match the button width. body kind font sizes this method is not ideal. Jul 15, 2022 · Settings -> Accessibility -> Display & Text Size -> Larger Text (iOS 15) I also added the code snippet Apple has provided to get the list of available fonts in my AppDelegate. withSize(20) or If you're having font size issues (your font isn't responding to size changes) @codester has the right code: myButton. Applies a text scale to text in the view. systemFontOfSize(18, weight: UIFontWeightLight) For the font weight you have the choice between those constants, there available from iOS 8. AppleSystemUIFontRounded-Regular", size: 40, relativeTo: . fontDesign is iOS 16+, and I am targeting iOS 15). 0)! I am using this method. I can't seem to match this behavior with the new button configurations and swift's AttributedString. I have looked in the docs and I cant find anything about title font and size - source Each character have an arbitrary size, you can't just multiply the length of the text for a specific character width, even if you use a monospace font, the emojis will ruin your calculus. May 26, 2015 · I am trying to calculate the height of a UILabel based on different String lengths. 1 If you know HTML and CSS you can use it to easily control the font style, color and size of your attributed string as follow: I have used the following code from this SO answer to adjust the font size such that it fits into the UILabel: letterLabel. lineHeight) / 2) Dec 1, 2021 · I am targeting iOS 15, I am looking for something on the lines of the following for system font: static func custom(_ name: String, size: CGFloat, relativeTo textStyle: Font. 292. This works perfectly in iOS 14. lineSpacing(0) . fontWithSize(14) Nov 29, 2016 · Thus, I need both font sizes to be at their minimum font size, based on the fit to width. rounded)) This works, but I want more control over the font size (e. Jun 17, 2021 · UIButton. lineLimit(1) Feb 19, 2018 · sectionLabel. I found this question but was unable to convert it to Swift: Adjust the font size to fit for several UIButton's so that they all have the same font size. Mar 8, 2020 · . Add option for custom font size in iOS Feb 26, 2015 · Additionally you can increase the font like this: textview. It was explained above. Here are buttons in different sizes. I am facing an issue. But this set uilabel for my complete project with same font size and font family. Unfortunatly, in iOS 15 the . everything Apple Platforms development and Swift. uilablel font for subtitle will be font size : 16 with font family : airel etc. withSize() is an initializer and will return a new UIFont object with the same characteristics as the original but with the font size specified. Specifies a system font to use, along with the style, weight, and any design parameters you want applied to the text. "). Instead, the element replaces the assigned font with a new instance based on the original settings. Instead of applying a fixed font size to a label, you apply a text style. Soon you will find yourself writing hacks for achieving your desired result. asked Jun 29, 2020 at 21:45. When the text is still too long to scale down to fit at the Sep 26, 2021 · One of my apps has a text view with a . – Mar 4, 2017 · I have a UILabel and it is set to 42. font = UIFont. I don't want font color or font family. Is it possible to set the font size for all fonts in a Swift iOS app? 0. Cœur. I also have code to convert the html string back and display in textView for ed. systemFontOfSize(15) //your font Jun 30, 2019 · I have a label in my view that I want to use the system font size in medium, with a size of 21 points. Oct 10, 2020 · My solution: Type some text in a UITextView, automatically copy that text and paste it in a uilabel that itself automatically adjusts its font size perfectly, and then retrieve the newly adjusted font size of the uilabel and set that size on the UITextView text. let RememberMe = UILabel(frame: CGRect(x: 10, y: 50, width: self. 1+): extension Font { static let fortypt = Font. TextStyle) -> Font Questions: Is there a way to specify the system font name in the above API? If so what is the font name for iOS 15 and macOS Monterey? Oct 11, 2017 · You should use NSMutableAttributedString to achieve your requirement. lineSpacing(32 - font. 0+ iPadOS 16. appears RememberMe. My goal is to have a Label in the cell which font size is automatically resized when I resize the cell. systemFontOfSize(100) Mar 31, 2016 · You can change the label font programmatically like this. Change font size, weight, and appearance to bold, italic, underline, and strikethrough. I would like to auto-adjust the font size to fit the width of the label, however also break to two lines when it can Mar 11, 2021 · I load text to the WebView. blue RememberMe Jan 21, 2020 · This also took me forever to figure out, but the solution I eventually found (with help from Hacking with Swift, Omer Tekbiyik and Danny) does in fact use the font size (bizarre, I know!) to determine the size of the button's SF symbol. Related. width < stringSize. If this property is set to true, and the text in the text property exceeds the label’s bounding rectangle, the label reduces the font size until the string fits or the minimum font scale is reached. I found a solution which works on iOS 8. 0+ Mac Catalyst 13. A easy way to achieve this, is creating an invisible UILabel, (with invisible I mean, a UILabel that you are not going to add as subview), set the text on it How to set a custom font in iOS using info. custom("SomeFont", size: 16)) . Swift. padding(. A protocol for controlling the size variant of text views. system(size: 16, weight: . width - 48, CG Dec 21, 2018 · for eg : uilabel for header or title will be font size : 20 with font family : helvetica. frame = CGRect(x: 100, y: 400, Aug 19, 2020 · How do I find the width of a string (CGFloat) given the font name and font size? (The goal is to set the width of a UIView to be just wide enough to hold the string. Make sure you set adjustsFontSizeToFitWidth to true and then set your minimumFontSize. answered Jan 15, ios swift UILabel font size is not change To create a styled font based on a custom font, use a UIFont Metrics object. However, if you are trying to change the font size in some way that is not directly proportional to the size of the button's label, you will probably have to get the CGRect and math it out as necessary. center) Jul 14, 2020 · on UIKit minimumScaleFactor and minimumFontSize are ineffective unless you set adjustsFontSizeToFitWidth. It isn't 15 points. lineHeight) . font = UIFont(name: letterLabel. pls find the code below Aug 15, 2013 · Note: when we use UIFont(name: "Menlo", size: 17. * - when the text would be wider than the view its scales nicely to fit - IE filling the full width of the screen. textAlignment = NSTextAlignment. I also tried the below, but it didn't work for me: Nov 29, 2023 · @MrugeshTank yes, title2 and caption2 have different sizes, for the system font. You can also add lineLimit(1) to force the text to be on one line. textColor = UIColor. fixedSize(horizontal: Bool, vertical: Bool) Jan 6, 2022 · Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand Feb 4, 2022 · On loading a view it will apply UIAppearance settings, but those will get discarded when you press the button too. preferredFont(forTextStyle: UIFontTextStyle. 1 and swift 2 on iOS 9. mini; configuration. appearance() let navigationFont = UIFont(name: "Custom_Font_Name", size: 20) let navigationLargeFont = UIFont(name: "Custom_Font_Name", size: 34) //34 is Large Title size by default navigation. fontName, size: 18) The above statement will simply set the existing font size to 18, change it to whatever you want. fontDesign(. 1162. The Dynamic Type feature allows users to choose the size of textual content displayed on the screen. Using ! is the easiest way, but will get you a crash if the font isn't on the system. If you want the font scale relative to a specific Dynamic Type font, you can use the relativeTo argument edited Nov 8, 2021 at 15:25. Configuration. All the labels should adjust same size but its different size in each Text. font = UIFont(name: YourfontName, size: 20) However, my font size wasn't changing. Stack Overflow. If we just want to stick guidelines with predefined . title . 15 of 61 symbols inside <root> containing 35 symbols iOS 16. x let navigation = UINavigationBar. button. It works with the othe font families that are in xcode. medium, design: . This works just fine. Add option for custom font size in iOS app. 5,671 3 3 gold badges 24 24 silver badges 77 77 bronze badges. withSize(80) Oct 25, 2016 · edited Dec 1, 2018 at 15:29. 5). 20 can be whatever size you want of course. font = UIFont(name: label. Is there an equivalent for this on a UITextView, and if not, Sep 7, 2017 · will fit the font size to the width of the button, and adjusting the content insets will allow you to pad the edges of the text. If you add a custom font to your project, it has a name of "SuperAwesomeFont-Light. Sep 22, 2016 · I want to create a basic UIButton programmatically. Apr 23, 2016 · How can i change the font size of my attribute allMurableAttributedString when I call it? ios; swift; core-data edited Apr 23, 2016 at 2:15. Configuration struct. Round Corner There was a recent change so that UIFont(name:size:) returns an optional UIFont instance. center). It includes everything I've tried, but still isn't working. Jul 18, 2014 · I recently played around with font sizes and noticed that nothing get's displayed when the font size is smaller than 11. I use this code, but font is too small. Size. font = UIFont(name: "OpenSans-Regular", size: 1000) RememberMe. The button size can be overridden by explicitly assigning configuration elements like padding, corner style, or title and subtitle font sizes. size. For example, in my view controller five UIButtons will be created dynamically in the same row and its layout or properties are set for some color SWIFT 4. 0) method, if the font name can't get it in ios , so it will be nil, so we need to provide the default font. heavy, design: . For examples: Jun 9, 2019 · When using the font modifier, set a weight to the font you're passing. ttf". I know below thing. Jan 9, 2023 · I found this, which says "If you’re using iOS 14 or later you’ll find your custom fonts scale automatically with no further work from you". A width to use for fonts that have multiple widths. 1 • Swift 5. Optional let inset: CGFloat = 2 // Decreases the font size until criteria met while frame. Below is a swift code: let label = self. bold() has always been available. Note: The latter option will overwrite the current font weight to regular so if you want to preserve the font weight use the first option. 0 Dec 3, 2019 · What I don't like in this example . system(size: 30, weight: . minimumScaleFactor = 0. font(Font. (they still don’t) I wondered what APIs are required to increase the text sizes and alter the view accordingly. adjustsFontSizeToFitWidth not working with iOS 15 UIButton. These both fill the width (359. A dynamic property that scales a numeric value. font (. iOS Swift Relative font size. 0001) . My struggle is customizing the inside of my PictureCell. rounded (as . Using the New iOS 15 DynamicTypeSize in SwiftUI. UIFont. Oct 12, 2022 · I'm using UIKit, not SwiftUI. systemFont(ofSize: 18, weight: UIFontWeightLight) Swift 2. 0. swift file, May 16, 2017 · I would like the user to have the ability to make the text larger. ) I have two strings: one with "1" repeated 36 times, the other with "M" repeated 36 times. buttonSize =. 15+ tvOS 13. It's possible that . font is not returning the Text type, and in that case, just swap the modifiers (in the ol' days of SwiftUI, many text modifiers were only available directly on Text). view. Because fonts are immutable, any element that adjusts for an updated content size category does not modify the font itself. fontName, size: 100) letterLabel. 0. custom(FontNameManager. You are not alone Jun 15, 2022 · Setting a font size Skip to main content. foregroundColor: UIColor Feb 13, 2015 · edit/update: Xcode 13. 0+ macOS 10. Mar 10, 2023 · To handle scaling, I wrote a class that will return a font with the right size, given the font size it should have at a normal screen, taking into account scaling, and limiting to some limit. white) . titleLabel!. You can find the difference in SS. I'm using xcode7. Aug 22, 2015 · You can access the system font like this, and even set the weight of the font: Swift 3, Swift 4. According to the Apple iOS Human Interface Guidelines: Text should never be smaller than 11 points, even when the user chooses the extra-small text size. body) label. XLE_22. default)) is that we MUST define the font size. Most other class attributes are set by selecting from a fixed set of options and don't require passing a string that I could mistype. font = UIFont(name: textview. text = "Remember Me" //This add you to selected font and of minimum size which will be adjusted to width itself so no . width + inset { fontSize -= 1 } } } 3) Now go to your code and instead of CATextLayer use DynamicTextLayer Dec 4, 2015 · m. custom("Georgia", size: 24, relativeTo: . 1. vertical, (32 - font. attributedText = myAttrString Font. iOS 15+, it looks like it uses the new UIButton. 0+ iPadOS 13. And I need to change font and its size. 0+ Mac Catalyst 16. 0 pt font, and the width of the label is set using autoconstraints based on factors other than the label itself (aka the things to the right and left of the label determine the label's width). headline)) 15 of 61 symbols inside <root> containing 35 symbols iOS 13. What is my problem? private lazy var webView: WKWebView = { let Jun 28, 2016 · Adjust font size to fit width . adjustsFontForContentSizeCategory = true This works fine, even Sep 3, 2019 · If you change font size of your iOS from settings, whatsapp font size displayed 2019 at 7:15. 6. I have modified it to do what I want (get the line height of text written using a font. So you need to assign a new font with the correct size to your label. font(. label. I can't find the equivalent way to make sure that the text also fits within the height of the UIButton. My code: func tableView(tableView: UITableView, willDisplayHeaderView view: UIView, forSection s Nov 1, 2017 · edited Nov 1, 2017 at 17:15. However if you want some method like you've posted, you can introduce your own category like this: I have been searching for a way to do that and find this answer where it has a String extension to calculate the size for the string and a given font. Try something like: let navbarFont = UIFont(name: "Ubuntu", size: 17) ?? Sep 13, 2015 · How do I change the font size. For example, if you want to use one of the default text styles (which I recommend, since they adapt to the user's Dynamic Type setting), you can do it like this: Jul 13, 2015 · I would like to change the font type and font size of a section header in a table view controller. So you could put this in your buttonTapped: // The Configuration struct used here was only defined in iOS 15 and // will fail in earlier versions. Dec 30, 2021 · How can I automatically resize the text to fit the size of my button in iOS 15? This is playground code for testing. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. func pickerView(pickerView: UIPickerView, attributedTitleForRow row: Int, forComponent compo Jan 23, 2017 · I tried two ways: Method 1: label. This will scale the text inside the UITextField to fit the width of your UITextField with a minimum font size equal to or greater than what you set minimumFontSize to. Jun 1, 2023 · Learn how to customize Text views with SwiftUI fonts. Create a Dynamic Type size from its UIContentSizeCategory equivalent. font. In code for all labels use: self. multilineTextAlignment(. small. g. I have figured out how to increase a button overall size but the text remains the same. titleLabel. 0) of the screen (give or take a little for margins). Aug 7, 2022 · In iOS 14 or later custom fonts scale automatically in SwiftUI with no further work. That is what your code is saying. To Change the Navigation bar title font for both Normal & Large Title above iOS 11. I've been at this little glitch for a few hours and it's driving me nuts. dmn accj fvtnj ddqko euqbui xdltnz pciplp zlng kvjm jyurnb